Plan 2040

Plan 2040 cover

Plan 2040 shows how NYMTC member agencies will help sustain and encourage the region’s economic growth through system preservation and expansions of the transportation network. Plan 2040 is built around the shared vision of the members, recognizing the critical linkages and interrelationships between the regional transportation system, land use and the economy. This vision includes shared goals with outcomes and near-term actions, shared land use designations, and strategic regional transportation investments.

Plan 2040 and Appendices

The Plan is available as a full document, or broken down into Chapters, Appendices, and an Executive Summary.

Plan 2040

Plan 2040 Executive Summary
Plan 2040
Plan 2040 Appendices

Plan 2040 Chapters

For ease of use, the Plan is broken down into individual chapters.
Cover and Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Shared Vision
Chapter 2: Creating a Sustainable Future: Forecasts and Trends
Revisions to Chapter 2, section5: Resiliency and Climate Adaptation Strategies
Chapter 3: The Transportation System
Chapter 4: Transportation System Operations & Management
Chapter 5: System Improvements & Actions
Chapter 6: Financing Plan 2040
Chapter 7: Additional Planning Consideration


Plan 2040 Appendices provide supporting documents and information.
Appendix 1: Maps & Lists of Projects, Proposals & Studies
Appendix 2: Pedestrians & Bicycles
Appendix 3: SED Forecasts & NYBPM
Appendix 4: Environmental Justice & Title VI
Appendix 5: Environmental Mitigation & New Consultation
Appendix 6: Coordinated Public Transit -Human-Services Transportation Plan
Appendix 7: Public Outreach & Participation
Appendix 8: Regional Freight Plan Update: Interim Plan Summary Report
Appendix 9: Major Highway & Bridge Projects
Appendix 10: Financial Plan Support Documentation

2010-2035 RTP

A Shared Vision for a Shared Future can be accessed here.
2010-2035 Regional Transportation Plan