News and Events

NYMTC regularly holds public meetings and events to keep the public informed and involved in regional transportation planning activities.

Meetings are held as a regular course of the planning process. Public involvement is critical to ensuring that future transportation investments reflect the needs, interests and concerns of those who are most affected. In addition to in-person participation opportunities, most meetings are also offered as webinars or via webcast. 

For Press Inquiries:

Rossana Weitekamp
Public Information Officer

Events and Activities

Climate Action Planning for the Region

Climate Action Planning

Action is underway across our region to create a comprehensive climate action plan for the New York – New Jersey Metropolitan Statistical Area. Our plan will include comprehensive, innovative strategies for reducing climate pollution and ensuring that investments maximize benefits, especially for low-income and disadvantaged communities.

Take our survey at the following link:

NYMTC’s Brown Bag Lunch Presentations
City of Yes – Creating Opportunities for Housing, Small Business and Sustainability

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On September 26, 2024, NYMTC’s Brown Bag Lunch webinar featured a presentation on “City of Yes,” the New York City Department of City Planning’s zoning modernization plan. Led by Frank Ruchala, Jr., Zoning Director of the New York City Department of City Planning, the webinar explored how the plan aims to expand and diversify the city’s housing supply, remove outdated limitations on businesses, support thriving commercial centers and retail streets, and promote efforts that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the city by 2050.

Click here to view the presentation:
City of Yes

View the webinar on NYMTC’s YouTube channel:

The Green Dream Team: NYMTC Teams with Empire Clean Cities and the GLICCC to Create Clean School Buses Workshop

Clean School Buses Workshop

On September 18, NYMTC together with Empire Clean Cities and the Greater Long Island Clean Cities Coalition hosted a workshop of presentations focusing clean school buses: why they matter and where to find funding. Speakers from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Empire Clean Cities, and the Greater Long Island Clean Cities Coalition (GLICCC) highlighted key information for organizations seeking to make the switch.

View the full presentation on NYMTC’s YouTube Channel:

Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) Features Presentation on USDOT’s Build America Bureau

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On September 18, 2024, NYMTC’s Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) held its bi-monthly meeting to report on recent and upcoming NYMTC developments.

The meeting featured a presentation by Sarah Williams, P.E., Project Development Lead for the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Build America Bureau. This presentation served as an introduction to the Build America Bureau, including information on the Bureau team, financing programs, and technical assistance offerings.

At this meeting Yogesh Sanghvi, Associate Commissioner at the NYC Department of Transportation was honored for his years of service to PFAC which will conclude upon his upcoming retirement.

PFAC’s adoption of Resolution #584 – Distribution of Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2024 Federal Transit Funding - was also announced. This resolution was unanimously passed by mail ballot.

Additionally, PFAC members adopted the following resolutions during the September meeting:

  • Resolution #585 – 2024 Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality (CMAQ) Performance Plan
  • Resolution #586 – Amendment to the FFYs 2023-2027 Transportation Improvement Program to Include Updated Financial Tables
  • Resolution #587 – Updated Targets Under the Transportation Performance Management Requirements
  • Resolution #588 – Amendments to Major Metropolitan Transportation Investments in the FFYs 2022-2050 Regional Transportation Plan
  • Resolution #589 – Amendments to the State Fiscal Years 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 Unified Planning Work Programs

The next PFAC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 14, 2024, at 11:30 AM.

Click here to view the presentation:
Build America Bureau

Click here to view the meeting:

Click here to download the synopsis:
2024 September 19 PFAC Meeting Synopsis

Moving Forward 2055 Topical Forums Moving to the Future: Smart Systems for Transportation

Transportation and Technology Image

On June 25, 2024, NYMTC hosted the seventh in a series of online topical forums to gather public input into the development of the next Regional Transportation Plan, Moving Forward 2055. The focus of this forum was transportation and technology, and sessions took place at 3 p.m. and repeated at 7 p.m. Subject matter experts presented on issues and opportunities in the region’s new and emerging transportation technologies for personal and freight mobility. NYMTC gathered feedback from meeting participants through interactive online polling.

View the afternoon transportation and technology session on NYMTC’s YouTube channel here:

Afternoon Forum:

Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) Features Presentation by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety

On June 20, 2024, NYMTC’s Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) held its regularly scheduled, bi-monthly meeting to report on recent and upcoming NYMTC developments.


The meeting featured a presentation by Eric Teoh, Director of Statistical Services for the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, on the organization’s efforts to reduce deaths, injuries, and property damage from motor vehicle crashes through research and evaluation.

PFAC’s May 8th adoption of Resolution #579 - Selection of Project Proposals to be Funded through the Federal Fiscal Years (FFYs) 2022, 2023, and 2024 Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities Program - was also announced. This resolution was unanimously passed by mail ballot.


Additionally, PFAC members adopted the following resolutions during the June meeting:

  • Resolution #580 – Transportation Conformity Determination for the FFYs 2023-2027 Transportation Improvement Program and the FFYs 2022-2050 Regional Transportation Plan as Amended
  • Resolution #581 - Amendment to the FFYs 2022-2050 Regional Transportation Plan to Add the Interborough Express Project as a Major Metropolitan Transportation Investment
  • Resolution #582 – Amendment to the FFYs 2023-2027 Transportation Improvement Program to Include the Interborough Express Project
  • Resolution #583 – Adjustments to the 2055 Socioeconomic and Demographic Forecasts

The next PFAC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 11:30 AM.

Click here to view the presentation:
Teoh - IIHS behavioral research

Click here to download the synopsis:
2024 June 20 PFAC Meeting Synopsis2024 June 20 PFAC Meeting Synopsis

The Evolving Megaregion: Revisioning Freight Development and Mobility in Eastern Pennsylvania

On June 12, 2024, NYMTC’s Brown Bag Lunch webinar featured a presentation on revisioning freight development and mobility in Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley, one of the fastest growing industrial markets in the U.S. Led by the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission’s Executive Director Becky Bradley, AICP, the presentation focused on the local, regional, and megaregional collaborations that are balancing needs, revisioning its infrastructure, and positioning the Lehigh Valley in the evolving global freight economy.

Click here to review the presentation.
Revisioning Freight Development and Mobility in Eastern Pennsylvania

Moving Forward 2055 Topical Forums Moving Efficiently: Exploring Curb and Parking Management Needs

Curb and Parking Management Image

On June 11, 2024, NYMTC hosted the sixth in a series of online topical forums to gather public input into the development of the next Regional Transportation Plan, Moving Forward 2055. The focus of this forum was curb and parking management, and sessions took place at 3 p.m. and repeated at 7 p.m. Subject matter experts presented on issues and opportunities in the region’s shared curb space and efficient parking for all transportation services. NYMTC gathered feedback from meeting participants through interactive online polling.

This future online topical forum will address transportation and technology (June 25th).

View the Curb and Parking Management sessions on NYMTC’s YouTube channel here:
Afternoon Forum:
Evening Forum:

Moving Forward 2055 Topical Forums: Moving With Alternative Energy: Current and Emerging Trends NYMTC Regional Alternative Energy Sources Forum

Alternative Energy Image

On June 4, 2024, NYMTC hosted the fifth in a series of online topical forums to gather public input into the development of the next Regional Transportation Plan, Moving Forward 2055. The focus of this forum was alternative energy sources, and sessions took place at 3 p.m. and repeated at 7 p.m. Subject matter experts presented on issues and opportunities in alternative transportation energy, including vehicle technologies and charging networks. NYMTC gathered feedback from meeting participants through interactive online polling.

Future online topical forums will address curb and parking management (June 11th) and transportation and technology (June 25th).

View the Alternative Energy sessions on NYMTC’s YouTube channel here:
Afternoon Forum:
Evening Forum:

NYMTC’s Brown Bag Lunch Presentations: Hoboken’s Vision Zero Action Plan Implementation

On May 16, 2024, NYMTC’s Brown Bag Lunch webinar featured a presentation on Hoboken, NJ’s successful implementation of its Vision Zero Action Plan. The Plan, completed in 2021, aims to reduce traffic-related deaths and serious injuries through immediate improvements, systemic changes, and community involvement. Gregory Francese, a planner in the City of Hoboken's Department of Transportation & Parking, presented details on several initiatives including curbside management, leading pedestrian intervals at signalized intersections, daylighting to reduce parking at intersections, bike lane improvements, and speed limit reductions.

Click here to review the presentation:
Hoboken Vision Zero Implementation

Metropolitan Mobility Network Meeting Features Presentations on Integrated Corridor Management

Meeting Screenshot

NYMTC hosted a virtual public meeting of the Metropolitan Mobility Network on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, featuring presentations by the New York State Department of Transportation and the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority on Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) initiatives in the region. Additionally, a roundtable discussion led by representatives of the Federal Highway and Federal Transit Administrations, as well as the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, discussed mobility aspects of the Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act and the Inflation Reduction Act.

The Metropolitan Mobility Network is an advisory group to NYMTC and member organizations of the Metropolitan Area Planning (MAP) Forum, a consortium of ten metropolitan planning organizations and councils of government in the New York/metropolitan region. It focuses on fostering the development, enhancement, and maintenance of integrated multi-modal management and operation strategies that are key to the metropolitan transportation planning process requirements.

The recording of the meeting is at:
Metropolitan Mobility Network Presentation - May 14, 2024

Moving Forward 2055 Topical Forums:
Moving Accessibly – NYMTC Regional Human Services Transportation Forum

Topical Forum

On April 30, 2024, NYMTC hosted the third in a series of on-line topical forums to gather public input into the development of the next Regional Transportation Plan, Moving Forward 2055. The focus of this forum was human services transportation, and sessions took place at 3 p.m. and repeated at 7 p.m. Subject matter experts presented information on mobility needs for human services transportation, healthcare transportation access, and transportation for seniors and individuals with disabilities. NYMTC gathered feedback from meeting participants through interactive on-line polling.

Future on-line topical forums will address human services transportation, safety and micromobility, alternative energy sources, and curb and parking management, among other topics.

View the first session on NYMTC’s YouTube channel here
Human Services Forum, 3 p.m. 

Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) Features Presentation on Midtown Bus Terminal Replacement Project

On April 18, 2024, NYMTC’s Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) held its regularly scheduled, bi-monthly meeting to report on recent and upcoming NYMTC developments.

April 2024 PFAC Meeting

The meeting featured a presentation by the Port Authority of NY & NJ on the Midtown Bus Terminal Replacement Project. The PFAC members also adopted resolutions at this meeting to add the project to the current Regional Transportation Plan as a Major Metropolitan Transportation Investment, and to include it in the Federal Fiscal Years 2023-2027 Transportation Improvement Program.

PFAC adopted the following resolutions at the meeting:

  • Resolution #576 – Amendment to the Federal Fiscal Years (FFYs) 2022-2050 Regional Transportation Plan to Add the Midtown Bus Terminal Replacement Project as a Major Metropolitan Transportation Investment
  • Resolution #577 – Amendment to the FFYs 2023-2027 Transportation Improvement Program to Include the Midtown Bus Terminal Replacement Project
  • Resolution #578 – Amendments to the SFY 2023-2024 Unified Planning Work Program

The next PFAC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 11:30 AM.

Click here to view the presentation:
Midtown Bus Terminal Replacement Program

Moving Forward 2055 Topical Forums:
Moving Freight – NYMTC Regional Freight Forum

Moving Forward 2055 Topical Forums: Moving Freight – NYMTC Regional Freight Forum

On April 9, 2024, NYMTC hosted the first in a series of on-line topical forums to gather public input into the development of the next Regional Transportation Plan, Moving Forward 2055. The focus of this forum was freight movement, and sessions took place at 3 p.m. and repeated at 7 p.m. Subject matter experts presented information on how trends in manufacturing, cargo delivery, and consumer behavior could impact the NYMTC region’s transportation system and change personal and business transportation needs. NYMTC gathered feedback from meeting participants throughout the sessions through interactive on-line polling.

Future on-line topical forums will address active transportation and coordinated human services transportation, among other topics.

View the sessions on NYMTC’s YouTube page here:
Freight Forum, 3 p.m. 
Freight Forum, 7 p.m. 

Moving Forward 2055 Topical Forums:
Moving Actively – NYMTC Regional Active Transportation Forum

Moving Forward 2055 Topical Forums: Moving Actively – NYMTC Regional Active Transportation Forum

On April 16, 2024, NYMTC hosted the second in a series of on-line topical forums to gather public input into the development of the next Regional Transportation Plan, Moving Forward 2055. The focus of this forum was active transportation, and sessions took place at 3 p.m. and repeated at 7 p.m. Subject matter experts presented information on active transportation (biking, walking, or rolling) trends, priority projects, and gaps in safe connections for all users. NYMTC gathered feedback from meeting participants through interactive on-line polling.

Future on-line topical forums will address human services transportation, safety and micromobility, alternative energy sources, curb and parking management, among other topics.

View the sessions on NYMTC’s YouTube page here:
Active Transportation Forum, 3 p.m.
Active Transportation Forum, 7 p.m.

NYMTC’s Brown Bag Lunch Presentations: Grid Readiness and Infrastructure Resiliency

On April 4, 2024, NYMTC’s Brown Bag Lunch webinar, Grid Readiness and Infrastructure Resiliency, featured representatives from the New York State Energy Research & Development Authority (NYSERDA), the New York Power Authority (NYPA), National Grid, and Con Edison, who provided updates on the status of statewide electrification. Topics included upgrades to transmission and distribution, potential grid impacts, highway charging efforts, study grant updates, and the status of the New York State Electric Vehicles (EV) Initiative.

NYSERDA: “Transportation Electrification in the NYC Metro Area”
Adam Ruder, Director, Clean Transportation

NYPA: “EVolve NY: Fast Charging Deployment”
John Markowitz, Senior Director, eMobility

National Grid: “Building a Smarter, Stronger, Cleaner and More Equitable Energy Future”
Bryan Grimaldi, Vice President of Corporate Affairs

Con Edison: “Pedal to the Metal on New York’s Energy Transition”
Jen Hensley, Senior Vice President of Corporate Affairs

Click here to view the press release:


The New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) held its Annual Council Meeting on February 29, 2024, adopting its 2024-2025 State Fiscal Year Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) and featuring addresses from key government officials who highlighted transportation’s vital role in connecting communities throughout downstate New York. The meeting was held at the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House in Manhattan and was open to the public.

Westchester County Executive George Latimer - NYSDOT Commissioner Marie Therese Dominguez - NYSDOT Council Secretary Debra Nelson

The UPWP defines NYMTC’s transportation planning priorities and describes all federally funded transportation-related planning activities anticipated within a given program year. NYMTC members voted unanimously to adopt the UPWP during the annual meeting.

Federal Highway Administration Administrator Shailen Bhatt - Federal Transit Administration’s Acting Administrator, Veronica Vanterpool

The event’s two keynote speakers – Federal Highway Administration Administrator Shailen Bhatt and the Federal Transit Administration’s Acting Administrator, Veronica Vanterpool - addressed the audience, recounting the federal government’s steadfast support of many high visibility transportation planning projects happening throughout New York City, Long Island, and the Lower Hudson Valley.

Click here to view the press release:

Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) Recommends Adoption of 2024-2025 Unified Planning Work Program

On February 15, 2024, NYMTC’s Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) held its regularly scheduled, bi-monthly meeting to report on recent and upcoming NYMTC developments.

The meeting featured a presentation on the State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2024-2025 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) for PFAC’s recommendation for Council adoption at their annual meeting. The UPWP is prepared annually to provide funding for NYMTC’s core and discretionary activities. The 2024-2025 UPWP proposes $65 million in spending for these activities.

PFAC adopted the following resolutions at the meeting:

  • Resolution #572 – Recommendation of the SFY 2024-2025 Unified Planning Work Program
  • Resolution #573 – Amendment to Federal Fiscal Years (FFYs) 2022-2050 Regional Transportation Plan for a Major Metropolitan Transportation Investment
  • Resolution #574 – Amendments to the FFYs 2-23-2027 Transportation Improvement Program
  • Resolution #575 – Support of New York State Safety Targets under the Federal Transportation Performance Management Requirements

The next meeting of the Council is scheduled for Thursday, February 29, 2024 at 11:00 AM.

The next PFAC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 18, 2024, at 11:30 AM.

Click here to view the presentation:
Unified Planning Work Program presentation

Click here to download the meeting synopsis:
February 15, 2024 Meeting Synopsis

NYMTC’s Brown Bag Series Features Innovative Transit Initiatives 
in Suffolk, Westchester, and Rockland Counties

On February 2, Putnam, Westchester, and Suffolk Counties presented their innovative transit initiatives during the NYMTC’s “Reimagining Transit in the Suburban Counties,” the council’s Brown Bag informational webinar series. The event drew an audience of transportation and planning professionals from across the country.

Among the highlights in Suffolk County discussed its Director of Transportation Operations, Chris Chatterton, included extended system hours, full weekend services, timed connections, improving on-time performance and other efforts that are helping Suffolk commuters decrease their travel time, increase their proximity to transit options and more.

Craig Lader, Westchester County’s Director of Transportation Planning, discussed the area’s mobility and bus redesign initiatives, including an in-depth analysis of the Bee-Line bus service, which resulted in efforts that are improving east-west connections, strengthening New York City subway and Metro-North connections, running service earlier, later and on weekends, and more. Their analysis also introduced microtransit areas throughout the county and how they can be incorporated into the county’s redesign initiatives.

Putnam County’s, Vincent Tamagna, Director of Transportation; Barbara Barosa, Commissioner of Planning, Development & Public Transportation and John Tully, Director of Purchasing, discussed the county’s four fixed routes, a seasonal trolley in the Village of Cold Spring, and a commuter shuttle option and how certain geographic and demographic solutions are better serving the public.

“We are proud of our members’ leading edge transit initiatives and it’s our pleasure to showcase them to NYMTC stakeholders and the interested public,” said Adam S. Levine, executive director of NYMTC. “Our Brown Bag series not only brings the latest in transportation planning to all, but most of our webinars offer AICP CM credit for the transportation and planning executives who attend.”

Download the presentations.

Putnam County:
“Coordination Efforts for a Small System Micro-Transit Pilot”

Suffolk County:
“Reimagine Transit and Other Initiatives”

Westchester County:
“Mobility & Transit Plan”

Annual Listing of Obligated
Transportation Improvement Projects for FFY 2023

FFY 23 Obligations Map

NYMTC has published the federally required Annual Listing of Obligated Transportation Improvement Projects for Federal Fiscal Year 2023. During the fiscal year (October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023), over $3.5 billion of federal transportation funding was obligated for 465 transportation projects from NYMTC's FFYs 2023-2027 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Obligation represents a formal federal commitment for project funding. For more information and to view the searchable map of project locations, visit the current TIP page.

Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) Meeting Features Presentation on MTA’s Twenty-Year Needs Assessment

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On November 16, 2023, NYMTC’s Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) held its regularly scheduled, bi-monthly meeting to report on recent and upcoming NYMTC developments.

The meeting featured a presentation on the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s (MTA) recently completed MTA Twenty-Year Needs Assessment. Led by Michael J. Shiffer, Ph.D., senior vice president, MTA Regional Planning, the presentation discussed the agency’s approach to comparatively evaluate over 20 network expansion proposals to help inform ongoing regional conversations about a future of enhanced mobility. At the same time, the vital need to maintain and upgrade MTA’s existing infrastructure was underscored.

PFAC adopted the following resolutions at the meeting:

  • Resolution #569 – Fiscal Constraint Operating Procedures
  • Resolution #570 – Amendments to Federal Fiscal Years Regional Transportation Plan for a Major Metropolitan Transportation Investment
  • Resolution #571 – Amendments to the State Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Unified Planning Work Program

The next PFAC meeting is scheduled for
Thursday, February 15, 2024, at 11:30 AM.

The next meeting of the Council is scheduled for
Thursday, February 29, 2024.

Click here to view the presentation:
The Future Rides With Us

Click here to view the meeting:
Thursday, Nov 16, 2023 11:30 AM

Click here to download the meeting synopsis:
Thursday, Nov 16 meeting synopsis

Build America Center Provides Technical Assistance for BIL Funding Opportunities

Build America Center graphic  University of MD638355747894070731

The Build America Center (BAC) is an important new resource established at the University of Maryland (UMD) in collaboration with FHWA. The Center will leverage the extensive transportation engineering and project management expertise available at UMD to help federal, state, and local decisionmakers understand and implement innovative new strategies for financing and managing highway projects. To help navigate transportation grant programs and expedite applications, the BIL Launch Pad provides customized information on available funding, interactive technical support, data on successful awards, and essential resources. With this platform, localities can navigate funding opportunities, accelerate their grant application process and access the necessary tools to enhance their transportation infrastructure.

The BAC will lead cutting-edge research, deliver innovative training, and provide customized technical assistance in support of the implementation of the BIL. FHWA and the BAC developed a short video highlighting eight tips for a successful BIL grant application. This video is part of the Center’s video hub hosted on YouTube, which also includes videos on equity analysis, experiences of Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) grant program recipients, the National Environmental Policy Act of 1970 (NEPA), risk management, and other topics. Review the Center’s 2022-2023 Annual Report for more information.

Multi-State Freight Working Group Workshop on Regional Waste Movement Study

Truck moving Waste

The Metropolitan Area Planning (MAP) Forum's Multi-State Freight Working Group hosted a virtual workshop on the Regional Waste Movement Study, led by and funded through NYMTC, with support from the Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation. This is a regional study of needs and opportunities associated with the movement of municipal solid waste, and construction and demolition debris. The meeting featured an overview presentation on the study, and a roundtable discussion of various perspectives on waste movement in the region. These were followed by an interactive session using polling software to begin to collect impressions on the topic from stakeholders and interested members of the public who participated in the webinar.

NYMTC will host an additional public webinar on the Regional Waste Movement Study at 6:30 PM on December 13, 2023.

Click here to review the presentation:
Regional Waste Movement Study

View a recording of the meeting: 
Virtual Event - NYCDOT Pedestrian Mobility Plan

NYMTC’s Brown Bag Lunch Presentations:
NYC DOT Pedestrian Mobility Plan

Pedestrian Mobility Plan_BB Presentation_11.02.2023

On October 18, 2023, NYMTC featured a Brown Bag Lunch webinar on the New York City Department of Transportation’s (NYC DOT) Pedestrian Mobility Plan, a NYMTC-funded effort to make walking more desirable by increasing pedestrian comfort and convenience, and prioritizing projects based on safety, equity, and pedestrian demand.

Led by the Karissa Lidstrand, Planning Team Lead, and Amy Howden-Chapman, Project Coordinator with the NYC DOT Pedestrian Unit, the webinar focused on the agency’s aim to reduce pedestrian congestion while increasing pedestrian trips, contributing to city-wide health and emission reduction goals. According to NYC DOT data, nearly 31% of trips taken in the five boroughs involve walking only, and every single trip involves some amount of walking.

Click here to review the presentation.
NYC Pedestrian Mobility Plan

View the presentation on NYMTC’s YouTube page here: 
Virtual Event - NYCDOT Pedestrian Mobility Plan

Planners Nationwide Attend NYMTC’S Brown Bag Series Highlighting The MTA’S First-Mile/Last-Mile Toolkit


NEW YORK, October 24, 2023 – On October 18, nearly 150 certified planners and transportation professionals attended the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council’s (NYMTC) Brown Bag webinar highlighting the MTA’s First Mile/Last Mile (FMLM) Toolkit, a NYMTC-funded planning tool that encourages improved, equitable, and environmentally-friendly access to Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) and Metro-North Railroad commuter rail stations.

Led by the MTA’s Robyn Hollander, Emily Provonsha, and Kayla Myros, the webinar taught participants how to use the Toolkit to assess a station area, generate an access gap and propensity analysis summary, prepare a cost-benefit analysis, develop a pilot program, and review state and federal grant funding sources. The Toolkit is a complete, step-by-step guide for identifying and developing potential first-mile/last-mile strategies that can be implemented or tested as a pilot program.

“Through the Toolkit, we’re giving stakeholders the knowledge and resources they need to prepare a First Mile Last Mile plan and seek funding for implementation,” said Hollander, Director of Station Area Planning and TOD for the MTA. “We encourage stakeholders in the MTA suburban commuter rail territory to use the toolkit with the goal of improving access to LIRR and Metro-North by shifting customers’ attraction from single occupant vehicles to other methods where conditions allow.”

Adam S. Levine, executive director of NYMTC commented, “We received considerable interest in this webinar and rightfully so. Many commented how exceptional this tool is for their purposes and we look forward to offering many quality, CM accredited workshops in the future.”

Click here to download the presentation:
Improving First-Mile/Last-Mile Access to Suburban Commuter Rail Stations

Download Press Release:
October 24, 2023

Click here to view the meeting:
YouTube : First Mile/Last Mile (FMLM) Toolkit

Adam S. Levine Appointed Executive Director of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC)


NEW YORK, October 10, 2023 - New York State Department of Transportation Commissioner (NYSDOT) Marie Therese Dominguez announced that Adam S. Levine P.E., AICP will serve as the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council’s (NYMTC) new Executive Director, effective March 30, 2023. Levine, 56, a veteran of the NYSDOT for more than 30 years, was most recently Director of Traffic Safety and Mobility for Region 11 in New York City.

Throughout his extensive career, Levine has worked in highway design, major projects, and public and governmental affairs and served on the Route 9A Project team that rebuilt West Street adjacent to the World Trade Center following September 11, 2001. He holds a master’s degree in transportation planning and engineering from New York University and a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Princeton University.

Adam will bring his experience, especially in NYSDOT Regions 8, 10, and 11, to his new role leading NYMTC and working with its partner agencies in the Lower Hudson Valley, Long Island, and New York City. “With new transportation developments being announced nearly every day in our downstate area, I can’t imagine a more exciting place to be right now,” said Levine. “I look forward to guiding NYMTC through this amazingly innovative time.”

September 11th Memorial Program Students Present Their Projects

As a capstone to their year-long research and planning projects under NYMTC’s September 11th Memorial Program for Regional Transportation Planning, four student scholars presented the results of their efforts at a Brown Bag virtual event on September 13, 2023.

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The September 11th Program is NYMTC’s living memorial to Ignatius Adanga, Charles Lesperance and See Wong Shum, the three NYMTC staff members lost during the attacks on the World Trade Center. Through the September 11th Program, NYMTC provides stipends and research/planning opportunities to graduate students on a competitive basis each academic year. The projects undertaken by each year’s selected students are developed by NYMTC’s members and staff to address identified regional planning and research needs.

The 2022-2023 September 11th Program student scholars and their projects are described below:


Andrés Castelo Rebeil is a Master of Regional Planning student at Cornell University with a passion for active transportation and mass transit. After obtaining his civil engineering bachelor’s degree at Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education in Mexico, Andrés worked in the private and public sector supervising traffic calming infrastructure projects to improve pedestrian safety in residential areas. Working with NYMTC, his research focused on identifying best practices to improve suburban traffic safety and education programs.
Download Andrés Castelo Rebeil’s presentation

Rachel Elmkies

Rachel Elmkies, AICP, is an urban planner and data analyst focusing on the intersection of land use, transportation, and affordable housing. She holds a B.A. in Urban Studies from Hunter College and a Master's in Regional Planning from Cornell University. Rachel was a Senior Policy Fellow at Desegregate CT/Regional Plan Association and a member of the Cornell Legal Constructs Lab. Currently, she is a volunteer geospatial analyst for the National Zoning Atlas. Working with NYMTC, her fellowship research focused on expanding micromobility and shared mobility outside New York City.
Download Rachel Elmkies’ presentation

Brad Hershenson

Bradley Hershenson is an Information Science PhD student at the University at Albany studying cyber security, emergency preparedness, and homeland security, with research interests in transportation policy, urban planning, micromobility, and environmental sustainability. Working with the New York City Department of Transportation, Bradley’s research focused on identifying and understanding cultural trends and ridership patterns in underrepresented biking populations and exploring potential investments to improve the cycling experience in various communities.
Download Bradley Hershenson’s presentation

Jessie Ho

Jessie Ho is in the PhD program at the SUNY Buffalo Department of Civil Engineering, with a concentration in Transportation Engineering. Recognizing transportation as a vital aspect of modern life, Jessie believes in the common goal of achieving sustainability. Her research interests include community contributions to mapping regional knowledge. Working with NYMTC, her research focused on evaluating the practicality and implications of using an open-source mapping network as the transportation network for the New York Best Practice Model.
Download Jessie Ho’s presentation

NYMTC is proud to remember its fallen colleagues by providing opportunities to talented students interested in transportation technology, research, and planning.

Click here to view a recording of the Brown Bag presentations.

The FY 2023 Thriving Communities Program is Now Open!


DOT is now accepting applications for its FY 2023 Thriving Communities Program (TCP) ! The TCP will provide up to $22 million in funding for Capacity Builders to provide technical assistance, planning, and capacity building support to disadvantaged and under-resourced communities across the U.S. to help them advance the transformative transportation projects needed to thrive. This year’s program includes a pilot to fund State and Regional TCP activities. In addition, local, Tribal, and regional governments along with their community partners are invited to submit a Letter of Interest to receive no-cost tailored technical assistance for a two-year period as well as three years of facilitated peer learning opportunities.

Applications from Capacity Builders are due by November 28, 2023 via View the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for detailed application information and requirements for organizations that are interested in being funded by DOT to provide technical assistance, planning, and capacity building support to communities.

Applications from communities must be submitted through a DOT webform by November 15, 2023. View the Call for Letters of Interest (LOI) for more information about the program and how to apply if your community would like to receive in-kind technical assistance, planning, and capacity building support.

Visit the TCP website to find more information about the program, including a set of Frequently Asked Questions. Webinar materials, including slides and recordings, will be posted to the TCP webinars webpage as they become available.

NYMTC Requests Public Input on The Future of Transportation; Decisions will Affect Federal Investments Throughout Downstate New York

Moving Forward logo

NEW YORK, October 3, 2023 – Starting October 7th, the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) will be reaching out to the public throughout downstate New York to request their opinion and preferences on the future of transportation in their region. Their responses will be factored into NYMTC’s new Regional Transportation Plan which serves as a blueprint to guide federal investments in transportation starting in 2025 and continue for the next 30 years. This includes funding for highways, roads and bridges, streets, rail and bus transit, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, movement of goods, and transportation for people with disabilities.

The effort to gather public input, called Moving Forward 2055, will be held during these events:

Saturday, October 7 | 11 am – 6 pm
Long Island Fall Festival
Heckscher Park NY-25A & Prime Ave,
11 Prime Ave, Huntington, NY 11743

Sunday, October 8 | 10 am – 5 pm
Nyack’s Famous Street Fair
Main St & S Broadway, Nyack, NY 10960

Saturday, October 21 | 11 am – 4 pm
Fall Family Freshwater Fishing Festival
Hempstead Lake State Park,
1000 Lake Drive West Hempstead, NY 11552

Saturday, October 28 | 10 am – 5 pm
Bed Stuy Alive
Fulton Ave Corridor, 1368 Fulton St, Brooklyn, NY 11216

Take NYMTC’s survey for an opportunity to win a $75 gift card and discover more about Moving Forward 2055 at

Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) Meeting Features Presentation on I-495 Integrated Corridor Management

PFAC members

On September 19, 2023, NYMTC’s Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) held its regularly scheduled, bi-monthly meeting to report on recent and upcoming NYMTC developments.

NYMTC Executive Director Adam Levine discussed the completion of the Draft Transportation Conformity Determination, which PFAC adopted at this meeting. He also highlighted the recent 9/11 Memorial Scholarship Program student presentations at a virtual Brown Bag event on 9/13, and the upcoming launch of the next Regional Transportation Plan update, titled Moving Forward 2055.

The meeting featured a presentation by Geoffrey Rick, Associate Transportation Analyst, and Fred Libove, Manager, Project Development and Sustainability Unit for Region 11 of the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) on its I-495 Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) project. ICM projects are designed to make movement of people and goods more efficient through coordinated responses to conditions and events among partnering agencies and across jurisdictions. For this project, NYSDOT is partnering with federal, state, and local agencies, and transit providers to improve congestion, reliability, speed, and safety on I-495 from Northern New Jersey to the border of Queens and Nassau County.

Geoffrey Rick-Adam Levine-Fred Libove638318096870964780

PFAC adopted the following resolutions at the meeting:

  • Resolution #565 –Transportation Conformity Determination for the Federal Fiscal Years (FFYs) 2023-2027 Transportation Improvement Program and FFYs 2022-2050 Regional Transportation Plan, as amended
  • Resolution #566 – Native Nations Consultation Procedures
  • Resolution #567 – Amendments to the Federal Fiscal Years 2022-2050 Regional Transportation Plan
  • Resolution #568 – Amendments to the State Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Unified Planning Work Program

The next PFAC meeting is scheduled for
Thursday, November 16, at 11:30 AM.

Click here to view the presentation:
I-495 Integrated Corridor Management (ICM)

Click here to view the meeting:
YouTube : PFAC Meeting 9/19/23

Click here to view the meeting synopsis:
September 21, 2023 Meeting Synopsis

Join US!

NYMTC Brown Bag Presentation:
The MTA’s First-Mile/Last-Mile Toolkit

Oct. 18th, Noon – 1:30 pm

First Mile Last Mile Toolkit Graphic

The MTA developed the First Mile/Last Mile (FMLM) Toolkit as a planning tool for regional stakeholders that encourages improved, equitable, and environmentally-friendly access to Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) and Metro-North Railroad commuter rail stations.
Through the toolkit, users will learn how to assess a station area, generate an access gap and propensity analysis summary, prepare a cost-benefit analysis, develop a pilot program, and review state and federal grant funding sources. 

AICP attendees will earn Certificate Maintenance (CM) credits through completion of this presentation. 

Access this free webinar here

Thriving Communities Program NOFO and Technical Assistance Webinar Announced


The U.S. Department of Transportation is now accepting applications for its fiscal year (FY) 2023 Thriving Communities Program (TCP). TCP is a flagship program that provides disadvantaged communities – particularly new DOT grantees – technical assistance and support to enable their access to Federal infrastructure resources and advance transformative transportation projects supporting community-driven development, health, environment, and access goals.

TCP offers two separate response opportunities for applicants: a Letter of Interest (LOI) and a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). The TCP will provide up to $22 million in funding for technical assistance, planning, and capacity-building support to disadvantaged and under-resourced communities across the U.S. The program is holding a webinar for communities interested in receiving technical assistance - September 27, 3:00-4:00 p.m. Visit their website for more information.

NYMTC Joins National and State Government Leaders to Share Best Practices in Infrastructure Prioritization with the Ukrainian Government

Ukranian ZOOM meeting

NEW YORK, September 25, 2023 – New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) Executive Director Adam Levine, Assistant Director Gerry Bogacz, and executives from multiple branches of U.S. federal and state governments took part in the first of a series of virtual meetings with Ukrainian transportation officials to assist them in prioritizing infrastructure redevelopment in Ukraine after hostilities cease. The event focused on long-term planning, project ranking, and infrastructure finance.

Carol A. Petsonk, assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation for Aviation and International Affairs, kicked off the meeting followed by comments from Julie Abraham, director of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Office of International Transportation and Trade.

“We are honored to be part of this dialogue with Ukraine, and we look forward to assisting them in any and every way we can as they move forward on these vitally important issues,” said Levine.

Bogacz introduced NYMTC’s role as the Metropolitan Planning Organization for New York City, Long Island and the Lower Hudson Valley. “This (NYMTC) is one of the more powerful aspects of the (planning) model: The federal government doesn’t dictate how the money should be used,” he said. “It’s local decision making - local governments coming together based on a consensus and reaching an agreement (on projects). It’s very powerful and the hallmark of this planning process,” he added.

With Ukraine anticipating the need for thousands of future infrastructure projects, NYMTC shared details on the process used to allocate $36.9 billion across 1034 projects in the NYMTC region between 2023 and 2027. Representatives from the Federal Highway Administration and North Carolina Department of Transportation presented their own detailed frameworks, and all three agencies took questions from Ukrainian government officials on how to best approach redevelopment after the war.

National League of Cities Establishes Local Infrastructure Hub


The National League of Cities’ (NLC) Local Infrastructure Hub is a national program designed to connect cities and towns with the resources and expert advice they need to access federal infrastructure funding in order to drive local progress, improve communities, and deliver results for residents. As part of the Local Infrastructure Hub, NLC hosts Grant Application Bootcamps for local governments with 150,000 or fewer residents. Registration for the next round of bootcamps is expected to open at the end of this summer.

MyCoast NY Newsletter Available


MyCoast NY is a tool used to collectand analyze photos of changing shorelines, inland and coastal flooding, and hazardous weather impacts across New York State. Through MyCoast, anyone with a phone or camera can easily participate in gathering images that help build awareness of changing conditions and support local efforts to address flooding and erosion.  Download Newsletter

North Castle Community Planning Workshop Report Available

North Castle Workshop Report Final638285803200750509

On December 8, 2022, the Town of North Castle held a virtual workshop to discuss key focus areas for road and transit improvements within its North White Plains Hamlet, with an emphasis on pedestrian safety. This workshop is the first in a series of Community Planning Workshops that are being conducted by NYMTC and Rutgers University. The report of this workshop is now available here.

$20 Billion in Grant Competitions to Create National Clean Financing Network

Greenhouse Gas Reduction

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) launched two Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFOs) for $20 billion across two grant competitions under the historic $27 billion Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, an Inflation Reduction Act program. Together, these competitive grant opportunities will mobilize private capital into clean technology projects to create good-paying jobs and lower energy costs for American families, especially in low-income and disadvantaged communities, while cutting harmful pollution to protect people’s health and tackle the climate crisis. This announcement builds on the $7 billion Solar for All competition released in early July. The deadline to apply to the National Clean Investment Fund competition is October 12, 2023. EPA intends to make two-to-three awards under this competition. Applicants must be eligible nonprofits as defined in Section 134(c)(1) of the Clean Air Act and as further explained in the NOFO. Coalitions, led by an eligible nonprofit, are also eligible to apply to this competition. 


For more information, please visit EPA’s GGRF website.

Building on the Success of DOT’s Rural EV Toolkit to Help Communities Build Out EV Charging Infrastructure, DOT Releases New Edition for Urban Areas

Charging Infrastructure

The U.S. Department of Transportation, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy and the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation (Joint Office), released a free technical resource to help larger communities take full advantage of Federal funding for electric vehicle (EV) charging stations and other forms of electric transportation. It follows the popular Rural EV toolkit released last year and updated earlier this summer. The new guide is called Charging Forward: A Toolkit for Planning and Funding Urban Electric Mobility Infrastructure, which provides a comprehensive resource for communities, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), transportation providers, businesses, and property owners and developers by including information on how to scope, plan, and identify ways to best leverage billions of dollars in funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). The toolkit builds on the efforts of the Joint Office to provide states and communities across America with information and assistance to accelerate an electrified transportation system that is convenient, affordable, reliable, and equitable. The toolkit also includes guidance to help urban areas implement other forms of electric transportation, such as public transit, electric bikes and scooters, and ride-share services. 

For more information go to USDOT's website

NYMTC’s Brown Bag Lunch Presentations: Tools and Resources to Support the Clean Transportation Transition

On June 29, 2023, NYMTC featured a virtual Brown Bag Lunch presentation on the U.S. Department of Energy (USDOE) Clean Cities programs in operation in NYMTC’s planning area. The guest presenters were Joy Gardner, Executive Director of Empire Clean Cities, which covers New York City and the Lower Hudson Valley, and Rita Ebert, Coalition Director for the Greater Long Island Clean Cities Coalition. They provided information on the USDOE program’s 30-year history and its purpose of reducing emissions and cutting petroleum consumption. They provided information on federal and state funding opportunities to support the transition to alternative fuel and/or electric vehicles. The Clean Cities programs operating in the NYMTC planning area also provide assistance in grant writing to those fleet owners or local municipalities seeking federal and state funds available for vehicles and equipment, as well as providing information on free resources available to fleet owners and operators, as well as individual drivers. These resources include the Alternative Fuel Data Center at

Click here to review the presentation.
Clean Cities Program and Clean Transportation Opportunities

Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) Meeting Features Presentation on GWB Bike and Pedestrian Improvements

On June 15, 2023, NYMTC’s Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) held a regularly scheduled meeting. NYMTC Executive Director Adam Levine reported on recent and upcoming NYMTC activities, including the commencement of the public outreach activities associated with the development of Plan 2055.

The meeting featured a presentation by Alexander Levi, AIA NCARB, Principal Architect at the Port Authority of NY & NJ (PANYNJ) titled “George Washington Bridge Pedestrian and Cyclist Improvements”. The presentation featured work that is underway by the PANYNJ to add safety improvements to the north and south shared use paths on the GWB and make them fully accessible. While the century-old bridge has always included walk and bike ways, access to them has been a challenge due to the height of the bridge and its short approaches. This project addresses this issue. The improved paths will also include viewing stands. The north path opened in February 2023 and work is underway on the south path. The project is expected to be completed by 2027.

The PFAC Chair reported on the following recent action adopted by mail ballot:

  • Resolution #560 – Distribution of Federal Fiscal Years (FFYs) 2023 Federal Transit Funding

PFAC adopted the following resolutions at the meeting:

  • Resolution #561 – Amendment to the Resilience Improvement Plan Addendum to the Federal Fiscal Years (FFYs) 2022-2050 Regional Transportation Plan
  • Resolution #562 - Amendments to the Major Metropolitan Transportation Investments Section of the Federal Fiscal Years (FFYs) 2022-2050 Regional Transportation Plan
  • Resolution #563 - Support of Statewide Targets Under the Federal Transportation Performance Management Requirements
  • Resolution #564 – Amendments to the State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2023-2024 Unified Planning Work Program

The next PFAC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 21, at 11:30 AM.

Click here to download the synopsis: 
June 15, 2023 Meeting Synopsis

NYMTC has adopted two addenda to its Regional Transportation Plan


NYMTC has adopted two addenda to its Regional Transportation Plan that can assist applicants for two discretionary grant programs under the federal Intermodal Investment and Jobs Act. The Safety addendum and the Resilience Improvement Plan addendum are available for use in developing grant applications for the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) and PROTECT discretionary grant programs. Click here for additional information.

BTS Data Spotlight on Dramatic Increase in EV Charging Stations

Charging Stations

The latest data in the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) National Transportation Atlas Database shows that recent growth in alternative fueling stations for vehicles has been impressive. As of April 1, 2023 the U.S. boasted more than 70,000 alternative fueling stations up nearly 90 percent since April 1, 2020, when there were fewer than 40,000 such stations around the country. Between January 1, 2021, and April 1, 2023, 19,000 new electric vehicle (EV) charging stations opened, increasing the number of EV charging stations by nearly 50 percent in just over two years. To learn more about Alternative Fuel Stations, visit BTS’s latest Data Spotlight.

New York Climate Exchange Announced for Governors Island

Governor's Island

Governors Island will be home to the New York Climate Exchange. The Exchange will be a first-of-its-kind cross-sector consortium led by Stony Brook University and will create a state-of-the-art, 400,000-square-foot campus dedicated to researching and creating innovative climate solutions that will be scaled across New York City and the world and equipping New Yorkers to hold the green jobs of the future.

More information can be found at

Federal Transit Administration Hosts Community Organization Webinars

Pedestrian and Bike safety

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) is initiating a webinar series to provide community-based organizations a better understanding of FTA’s programs, oversight, and technical assistance resources. The series will provide organizations that support local public transportation initiatives, bicycling and pedestrian safety, and complete streets projects with a deeper understanding of federal resources while offering participants the chance to share their experiences and feedback with FTA leaders.

Webinar 1: Understanding Federal Roles, Programs, and Resources to Support Transit

NYCDOT and NYPA to Create EV Charging Hubs at Municipal Parking Lots

Electric Vehicle Fast-Charging Hubs

The New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) and New York Power Authority (NYPA) will create up to 13 electric vehicle (EV) fast-charging hubs at municipal parking facilities across the city. Collectively, the hubs will feature roughly 50 fast-charging plugs. This investment will accelerate the adoption of EVs across the city, provide more equitable access to charging, and advance the city’s plan to transition 100,000-plus high-volume for-hire vehicles to zero-emissions by 2030.

Find more information here:

April 20th Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) Meeting Introduces New NYMTC Executive Director

On April 20, 2023, NYMTC’s Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) held a regularly scheduled meeting. The meeting was the first for Adam Levine, as NYMTC’s new Executive Director. Adam reviewed upcoming events and recent accomplishments by the organization in his opening remarks. The meeting featured a brief presentation on the Safety and Resilience addenda to NYMTC’s Regional Transportation Plan, which were adopted by the PFAC members via resolution. The addenda will assist NYMTC in applying for discretionary federal funding under the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

PFAC adopted the following resolutions at this meeting:

  • Resolution #557 – Resilience Improvement Plan Addendum to the Federal Fiscal Years (FFYs) 2022-2050 Regional Transportation Plan
  • Resolution #558 – Safety Addendum to the (FFYs 2022-2050 Regional Transportation Plan
  • Resolution #559 - Amendments to the State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2023-2024 Unified Planning Work Program

The next PFAC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 15, 2023, at 11:30 AM.

Click here to download the presentation
Resolutions to Adopt Safety and Resilience Addenda to Moving Forward

Click here to download the meeting synopsis
April 20th PFAC Meeting Synopsis

Multi-State Freight Working Group Workshop on Off-Shore Wind Development Needs and Implications for Regional Planning and Transportation

wind turbines

The Metropolitan Area Planning (MAP) Forum's Multi-State Freight Working Group hosted a virtual workshop on Off-Shore Wind Development Needs and Implications for Regional Planning and Transportation on March 23rd.

The links for the workshop recording, presentations, agenda, and speaker bios can be found here:

NYMTC Principal Members Explore Innovations, Adopt Work Program

Keynote Remarks Provided by Victoria Sheehan, Executive Director, Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine

The Principal members of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council held their Annual Meeting on February 23, 2023 to adopt a $62 million work program of matched federal funding for transportation-related planning activities to be undertaken by NYMTC’s staff and its members during the upcoming program year.

The theme of the meeting was “Innovative Ideas and New Technologies”. Victoria Sheehan, Executive Director, Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine presented keynote remarks on the research and innovation that can be marshaled to take optimal advantage of the historic investments in the transportation sector provided through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Through innovative approaches and application of new and emerging technologies, transportation agencies and policy makers can maximize this opportunity and provide a safer, greener transportation system that is resilient and provides access to opportunity for all. Ms. Sheehan discussed how the work of the TRB can be leveraged to provide more efficient and effective transportation solutions to make the right investments at the right time.

The adopted work program includes more than $30 million in new funding and supports 51 studies. The program is developed annually and defines the planning priorities in the 10-county planning area within a given program year.

The Annual Meeting was co-chaired by New York State Department of Transportation Commissioner Marie Therese Dominguez and the New York City Department of City Planning Director Dan Garodnick. Co-chairs Dominguez and Garodnick in their opening remarks emphasized the financial impacts to the transportation sector of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the significant new funding opportunities for transportation at the federal and New York State levels.

In addition to adopting the UPWP, the members recognized the service to NYMTC of former Putnam County Executive MaryEllen Odell as a Principal member, and Lynn Weiskopf as Secretary and chair of PFAC. The members also recognized the service of NYMTC co-chair NYC Department of City Planning Director Dan Garodnick and confirmed Westchester County Executive George Latimer as the incoming co-chair for 2023-2024.

Click here to download the presentation
TRB Overview

Click here to download the meeting synopsis:
February 23rd PFAC Meeting Synopsis

NYC Department of City Planning (NYCDCP) Provides Assessment of 2021 American Community Survey (ACS) Data

More residents worked from home in 2021 than 2019, consistent with national trends

NYCDCP conducted an analysis of the 2021 U.S. Census Bureau’s ACS data released in September 2022, to offer a better understanding of remote work trends and COVID-19’s impact on commuting into New York City from the surrounding NYMTC region.

Some key findings include:

  • More residents worked from home in 2021 than 2019, consistent with national trends
  • Fewer commuted to Manhattan but commute levels to other boroughs remained stable
  • In 2021, fewer people traveled to NYC from the surrounding region, with a significant drop in regional transit ridership
  • Recent transit data shows regional ridership is rebounding

To learn more, read the latest issue of the New York City Department of City Planning’s “NYC Thinking Regionally” newsletter.

NYMTC’s Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC)

On February 9, 2023, NYMTC’s Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) held a regularly scheduled meeting. The meeting featured a presentation on the State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2023-2024 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), which totals $62 Million and supports 51 studies.

PFAC adopted the following resolutions at this meeting:

  • Resolution #555 - Recommendation of the State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2023-2024 Unified Planning Work Program for Council Adoption
  • Resolution #556 - Support of Westchester County and Suffolk County Transit Agency Targets Under the Federal Transportation Performance Management Requirements and Related Amendments

The next Council meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 11:00 AM.

The next PFAC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 11:30 AM.

Click here to download the presentation:
UPWP Presentation

Click here to download the meeting synopsis:
February 9th PFAC Meeting Synopsis

NYMTC’s Regional Trends Series of Brown Bag Lunchtime Presentations: Southeast to Danbury Rail Link Feasibility Study

On January 25, 2023, NYMTC’s ongoing Regional Trends Series featured a virtual Brown Bag Lunch presentation on the Southeast to Danbury Rail Link Feasibility Study. Vincent Tamagna of the Putnam County Department of Planning, Development and Public Transportation introduced the recently completed study, which was made possible through funding from NYMTC. Drew Galloway of WSP, lead consultant, presented the study’s findings. The study found that this potential rail link is feasible and would not degrade other Metro-North services. If implemented, the rail link could serve a substantial number of commuters and improve congestion on I-684 and I-84.

Click on link to review the presentation.
Southeast to Danbury Rail Link Feasibility Study

Suburban Bus Ridership Available


These charts show the bus ridership for the suburban systems in the NYMTC region from January 2021 through December 2022. These data are from the following operators: Westchester Bee-Line, Nassau Inter-County Express (NICE), Putnam Area Rapid Transit (PART), Transport of Rockland (TOR), and Suffolk County Transit (SCT).


NYMTC Publishes an Annual Listing of Obligated Projects for Federal Fiscal Year 2022

NYMTC_TIP Obligation map

NYMTC has published the federally required  Annual Listing of Obligated Transportation Improvement Projects for Federal Fiscal Year 2022. During this fiscal year (October 1, 2021, through September 30, 2022), over $4.8 billion of federal transportation funding was obligated for 650 transportation projects from NYMTC's FFYs 2020-2024 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Obligation represents a formal federal commitment for project funding. For more information and to view the searchable map of project locations for these obligated projects, visit the following links:

View the interactive map:
View the listing document:

Annual Report Narrative Translations:
Chinese Simplified | Chinese Traditional | Spanish | Russian

Overview of Updates to NYMTC’s Travel Demand Model Presented to Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC)

The November 17, 2022 PFAC meeting featured a presentation on updates to NYMTC’s travel demand model, also known as the New York Best Practice Model (NYBPM). The overview was presented by Lynne Thisse, NYMTC’s project manager, and Tom Rossi of Cambridge Systematics. They explained the benefits and uses of the activity-based travel demand model and summarized recent updates to the model to better represent regional travel over the 28 county model area. The updates used data including population, employment, traffic counts, and transit ridership from 2019 and will be released in December 2022 with new features and an improved and simplified structure. Training on use of the model will be conducted early in 2023. A Model Advisory Committee, made up of NYMTC member agency representatives, provided input and reviews throughout the model update process.

PFAC adopted the following resolutions at the meeting:

  • Resolution #552 – 2022 Title VI/Non-Discrimination Program
  • Resolution #553 - Support of Statewide and Transit Agency Targets Under the Federal Transportation Performance Management Requirements and Related Amendments
  • Resolution #554 - Amendments to the State Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Unified Planning Work Program

The next PFAC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 9, 2023, at 11:30 AM.

The next meeting of NYMTC’s Council principals is scheduled for Thursday, February 23, 2023, at 11:00 AM.

Click here to download the presentation: 
Updates to NYMTC’s Travel Demand Model

Click here to download the synopsis: 
November 17, 2022 Meeting Synopsis

NYMTC’s Regional Trends Series:
Regional Freight Land Use Study

On October 27, 2022, NYMTC’s ongoing Regional Trends Series featured a virtual Brown Bag Lunch presentation on the Regional Freight Land Use Study, led by NYMTC staff and supported by Cambridge Systematics.

NYMTC’s Regional Freight Plan identified the need to assess freight and commercial land use activity in the NYMTC planning area and larger multi-state metropolitan region. As part of the assessment, the Regional Freight Land Use Study surveyed and mapped the current land use designations within the Metropolitan Area Planning (MAP) Forum area. The study outlined the three broad classifications of freight land use and seven typologies. Also included are a current industrial property market analysis, and broader trends and drivers, including the growth in e-commerce.

Click here to review the presentation.

NYMTC Principals Adopt $37 Billion Transportation Improvement Program

At their meeting of October 13, 2022, the principals of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) adopted the Federal Fiscal Years (FFYs) 2023-2027 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), and the related Transportation Conformity Determination.

The TIP includes transportation improvement projects in NYMTC’s planning area totaling $37 billion over its five years. The TIP includes projects that will improve bridges and roadways, purchase transit vehicles, and expand bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The TIP will enable nearly $15 billion in federal transportation funds that are matched with $22 billion in state and local funds.

The Transportation Conformity process ensures that motor vehicle emissions budgets established in the New York State Implementation Plan for Air Quality are not exceeded by the transportation investments which NYMTC has programmed in its TIP and in the fiscally constrained portion of Plan 2050, Moving Forward.

This meeting featured NYMTC Co-Chairs New York State Transportation Commissioner Marie Therese Dominguez and New York City Department of City Planning Director Dan Garodnick. Commissioner Dominguez and Director Garodnick opened the meeting by acknowledging the opportunities for significant federal investment from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) of 2021. The IIJA increases formula funding and includes other nationally competitive funding programs to address key issues such as climate change, resiliency, transportation equity and reconnecting communities. These federal funds are combined with significant state and local investment.

The principals recognized the service to NYMTC of former New York State Department of Transportation Executive Deputy Commissioner Ron Epstein, and former North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority Executive Director Mary Ameen.

Click here to download the presentation:
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Transportation Conformity Determination

Click here to download the synopsis: 
October 13, 2022 Meeting Synopsis

NYMTC’s Safety Advisory Working Group (SAWG) Hosts Virtual Public Forum on Safety and Connected/Automated Vehicles


On October 18, 2022, NYMTC’s Safety Advisory Working Group (SAWG) hosted a virtual public forum on safety and connected/automated vehicles. Connected Vehicle (CV) technologies are equipment, applications, or systems that use “vehicle-to-everything” communications to address safety, system efficiency, or mobility on our roadways. Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) rely on sensors, actuators, complex algorithms, machine learning systems, and powerful processors to execute software which navigates the vehicle without or with limited human intervention.

The federal perspective on the safety issues related to these technologies was provided by John Harding, Connected/Automated Vehicles and Emerging Technologies Team Leader for the USDOT/FHWA Office of Transportation Management. Mr. Harding provided an overview of safety policy development and a concept of operation for this technology. This presentation was followed by a roundtable discussion of state and local perspectives, including commentary from New York State Department of Transportation, New Jersey Department of Transportation, and the North Jersey Transportation Authority representatives. State and local policies for connected and autonomous vehicles are still very much in development. Notably, local CV pilot tests have either been completed or are underway, including in both New York City and northern New Jersey.

Meeting participants then engaged in a live polling exercise to gather feedback on audience perspectives on CVs and AVs and related safety issues. Poll subject areas included safety concerns, technology, government responsibility, and transportation infrastructure.

NYMTC’s Safety Advisory Working Group facilitates interagency discussion and information exchange on safety among NYMTC’s members. The Working Group advises NYMTC’s Program, Finance and Administration Committee on issues dealing with safety, as well as enhancing and expanding safety considerations in all aspects of NYMTC’s planning process. For more information visit

Click here to download the presentations:
Safety and Connected/Automated Vehicles

Click here to view the meeting:

September 11th Memorial Program Students Present Their Projects


As a capstone to their year-long research and planning projects under NYMTC’s September 11th Memorial Program for Regional Transportation Planning, four student scholars presented the results of their efforts at a Brown Bag Lunch event on September 21, 2022.

The September 11th Program is NYMTC’s living memorial to Ignatius Adanga, Charles Lesperance and See Wong Shum, the three NYMTC staff members lost during the attacks on the World Trade Center. Through the September 11th Program, NYMTC provides stipends and research/planning opportunities to graduate students on a competitive basis each academic year. The projects undertaken by each year’s selected students are developed by NYMTC’s members and staff to address identified regional planning and research needs.

The 2021-2022 September 11th Program student scholars and their projects are described below:

Fabian Barch is a Ph.D. candidate in Sociology of Education at New York University. He presented his work with the NYC Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) where he focused on building Community Profiles as a tool to help understand the neighborhoods surrounding NYCDOT project areas, their needs, and priorities.
Fabian Barch’s presentation→

Cristina Mejia Cancelado is pursuing a Master of Urban Planning at the NYU Wagner School of Public Service. She presented her work at NYCDOT evaluating their current Coordinated Street Furniture Franchise program and her recommendations on the development of a new contract that will enhance the next iteration of this program.
Cristina Mejia Cancelado’s presentation→

Julia Amaral is a Ph.D. student in Transportation Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. She presented her work at NYMTC evaluating new methods to update and enhance existing NYMTC socioeconomic and demographic modeling forecasts.
Julia Amaral’s presentation→

Tao Liang is pursuing a Master of Transportation Planning and Engineering degree at New York University. He presented his work at NYCDOT where he was responsible for researching and completing the “Infrastructure is Public Space: Building Healthy, Resilient and Sustainable Corridors” project, and assisted in formulating the Healthy Corridor Index.
Tao Liang ’s presentation→

NYMTC is proud to remember its fallen colleagues by providing opportunities to talented students interested in transportation technology, research, and planning.

To view a recording of the Brown Bag, CLICK HERE

NYMTC’s Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) Recommends Draft 2023-2027 TIP for Council Adoption

On September 22, 2022, NYMTC’s Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) met to recommend the draft Federal Fiscal Years (FFYs) 2023-2027 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to the NYMTC principals for their adoption. The draft TIP includes transportation improvement projects in NYMTC’s planning area totaling $37 billion over its five years. The TIP includes projects that will improve bridges and roadways, purchase transit vehicles, and expand bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Once adopted, the TIP will enable nearly $15 billion in federal transportation funds that are matched with $22 billion in state and local funds.

3- TIP cover

PFAC members passed a resolution recommending the draft TIP for Council adoption at their next meeting on October 13, 2022. PFAC also passed resolutions adopting a new Public Involvement Plan, a new CMAQ Performance Plan, and endorsing new federally required performance targets for the New York-Newark urbanized area. The PFAC Chair also reported on the previous adoptions via mail ballot of Resolutions #544 and #545 to distribute federal transit funding for FFYs 2021 and 2022 among the designated recipients of those funds in NYMTC’s planning area.

Representatives of the Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administrations then discussed the quadrennial federal Certification Review of NYMTC and its planning process. The federal agencies are seeking input from the public as part of the review and will be making a public survey available via the NYMTC website ( starting October 5, 2022.

The next Council meeting of the NYMTC principals is scheduled for Thursday, October 13, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. The next PFAC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 17, 2022, at 11:30 a.m.

Click here to download the presentation: 
Federal Fiscal Years (FFY) 2023-2027 Transportation Improvement Program

Click here to download the synopsis: 
September 22, 2022 Meeting Synopsis

NYMTC Transportation Coordinating Committees Recommend Projects

2- TIP cover

NYMTC held three Executive Meetings of its Transportation Coordinating Committees (TCC) for the Lower Hudson Valley, New York City, and Long Island subregions to formally recommend draft project listings from those areas for inclusion in the Federal Fiscal Years 2023-2027 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The meetings were available via webinar or in-person as indicated below:

Click here for a copy of the draft TIP document.

RAISE Grants for 2022 Awarded in the NYMTC Planning Area

RAISE Grants image

The USDOT recently announced the list of awarded projects under the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Discretionary Grant program. Two of the awarded are in the NYMTC Planning Area.

The first award of $1,146,755 was granted to the Shinnecock Indian Nation in Suffolk County for their Comprehensive Roadway Infrastructure Planning and Design Project that will use a Complete Streets approach. Improvements will upgrade and widen roads to accommodate public transit, provide more cycling and walking options, improve safety, and strengthen the local economy through improved access to essential and recreational destinations. Grant funding will also be used to update the Nation’s Long-Range Transportation Plan.

The second award of $7,250,000 was granted to the City of New York for its Greenway Expansion project, expanding the city greenway network and filling gaps between existing paths. The project will install dedicated bike lanes and incorporate recycled pavement materials into construction. The project will increase transportation options, reduce vehicle miles traveled, improve workplace commutes, provide more transit station access, and will result in Early and Future Action corridor plans and a Greenways Vision Plan. The full list of RAISE 2022 awards can be found here: RAISE 2022 Awards.

FTA Announces 2022 Bus Awards


The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announced Federal Fiscal Year 2022 Low- and No-Emission and Bus and Bus Facilities programs grant awards under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. In the NYMTC planning area, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) will receive $116 million to buy battery electric buses that will replace older diesel buses and to launch a comprehensive workforce training and development program. The new buses will advance the MTA’s ambitious zero-emission transition plan by increasing the number of electrified buses to 4 percent of its 5,800-bus fleet. For more information view the federal press release:

Now Accepting Applications for the 2022-2023 September 11th Memorial Program for Graduate Students


NYMTC established the September 11th Memorial Program for Regional Transportation Planning to honor the memory of Ignatius Adanga, Charles Lesperance, and See Wong Shum, the three employees it lost during the attack on the World Trade Center. The program was established to foster the academic and professional development of students by providing them with opportunities to participate in innovative research or planning projects for twelve months in a professional assignment outside the classroom. This year’s program is administered by the Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation at Rutgers. Applications are due by September 12, 2022. Click here to learn more and apply!

Congestion Pricing Environmental Assessment Released; Public Hearings Kick Off August 25th


The hearings begin on Thursday, Aug. 25, and conclude on Wednesday, Aug. 31. Members of the public who wish to speak at the hearings can register online starting today at The hearings will be accessible online at at these dates and times:

  • Thursday, Aug. 25, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Saturday, Aug. 27, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Sunday, Aug. 28, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Monday, Aug. 29, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Aug. 30, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Wednesday, Aug. 31, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

In addition to the hearings, there are many ways the public can make their voices heard. Beginning on Aug. 10, the agencies will collect public feedback on the Environmental Assessment online as well as via email, mail, telephone voicemail and fax.

Mail: CBD Tolling Program, 2 Broadway, 23rd Floor, New York, NY 10004
Phone: 646-252-7440
Fax: Send to (212) 504-3148 with Attention to CBDTP Team.

Comments may also be provided to FHWA.

Mail: FHWA - NY Division, RE: CBDTP, Leo W. O'Brien Federal Building, 11A Clinton Ave, Suite 719, Albany, NY  12207
For more information, visit the project website:

Memorial Dedication for Howard Mann, Former NYMTC Senior Planner

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On Thursday May 19th, a memorial to NYMTC’s late senior planner Howard Mann was dedicated at the Urban Assembly School for Global Commerce. During his nearly four decades of work as part of NYMTC’s staff, which ended with his retirement in 2015, Howie produced a body of work related to both regional planning and specifically, freight planning and logistics. He also played a key role in the founding of the Urban Assembly School for Global Commerce and served on its Board of Directors until his passing in March 2020. This school ( ) provides opportunities for economic mobility through access to college and career pathways in the growing field of supply chain management and freight logistics, the backbone of global commerce. The success of this school and its programs is a fitting legacy for Howie’s work in the field.

The dedication ceremony was attended by Howie’s widow, Naomi, his son Daniel and daughter-in-law Bethany. In addition, Howie’s NYMTC colleagues, both retired and active, were on hand to honor his work and his memory.

For more information on Howie’s important contributions to this field, see this article: Howie Mann: Helping to Train a New Generation

New York State Department of Transportation Hosts Virtual Public Meeting On Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Plan

Electric Vehicle

The New York State Department of Transportation, in partnership with the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, will host a virtual public meeting on July 20th, 2022, at 1 p.m. to provide information and receive feedback on the development of the State’s National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Plan that will advance New York's climate agenda.  Register for this virtual public meeting and get more information on the program here.

Clean Freight Corridors Planning Study Recommendations Presented to NYMTC’s Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC)

The June 16, 2022 PFAC meeting featured a presentation by Leslie Fordjour, NYMTC Project Manager, on the recommendations of the recently completed Clean Freight Corridors Planning Study. Funded through NYMTC’s Unified Planning Work Program, the Clean Freight Corridors Planning Study fulfilled a recommendation of the Freight Element of NYMTC’s Regional Transportation Plan. The study examined clean fuels infrastructure to advance high-efficiency, low-emission alternative transportation technologies in the multi-state New York City metropolitan region‘s freight fleet. It also developed a strategic plan to enable the continuing development of alternative fuel and electric charging infrastructure for goods movement. The study was developed in coordination with the Metropolitan Area Planning (MAP) Forum, a consortium of ten metropolitan planning organizations and councils of government in eastern Pennsylvania, northern New Jersey, metropolitan New York, and southwestern/central Connecticut.

PFAC adopted the following resolutions at the meeting:

  • Resolution #539 – Selection of Projects for Funding Through the Federal Fiscal Years (FFYs) 2020 and 2021 Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities Program
  • Resolution #540 - Amendment to the State Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Unified Planning Work Program
  • Resolution #541 - Recognition of Service by Sean Sallie, Nassau County Department of Public Works
  • Resolution #542 - Recognition of Service by Naomi Klein, Westchester County Department of Planning
  • Resolution #543 – Recognition of Service by Sandra Fusco, Putnam County Department of Planning, Development and Public Transportation

The next PFAC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 22, 2022, at 11:30 AM.

The next meeting of NYMTC’s Council principals is scheduled for Thursday, October 13, 2022, at 11:00 AM.

Click here to download the presentation: 
Clean Freight Corridors Planning Study

Click here to download the synopsis: 
June 16, 2022 Meeting Synopsis

MAP Forum Holds 2022 Spring Meeting


The Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG) hosted the 2022 Spring Meeting of the Metropolitan Area Planning (MAP) Forum on Friday, June 3. Waterbury Mayor Neil O’Leary, Chair of the NVCOG and Central Naugatuck MPO led the meeting.

The meeting featured Fred Nangle, deputy director of Service Planning Projects Operations Planning & Analysis at MTA Metro-North Railroad, discussing the significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on ridership and rail service as well as how Metro-North service has adjusted to a post-pandemic market. Mark Abraham, Executive Director of DataHaven, presented the results of a COVID-19 and Community Wellbeing Survey, highlighting data collected on experiences with discrimination, quality of the built environment, financial insecurity, and mental health. The meeting also featured a presentation on the Route 8 & Waterbury Rail Lines Alternative Modes Assessment Study and its recommended improvements to the Waterbury Rail Line, with goals to ensure a better-integrated transportation system and address connectivity between our regions.

The presentations made during the meeting can be viewed here and a recording of the meeting can be accessed from this link:

“Infrastructure School” Webinars Available for Viewing


Over the months of February and March 2022, a series of webinars was offered to provide a deeper look at important information and upcoming milestones for each of the major areas of investment in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Recordings of these webinars are available for viewing through the following links:

How to Use the Guidebook:
Roads, Bridges, and Major Projects:
Passenger & Freight Rail:
Public Transportation:
Ports and Waterways:
Electric Vehicles, Buses & Ferries:
Clean Energy and Power:
Environmental Remediation:

NYMTC Regional Freight Land Use Study Highlighted at May 12th Freight Meeting


The Multi-State Freight Working Group of the Metropolitan Area Planning (MAP) Forum hosted a well-attended virtual meeting on May 12, 2022, the focus of which was a status report on NYMTC’s Regional Freight Land Use Study. The meeting featured a detailed presentation on the progress of the study to date and discussion of its preliminary findings. Funded through NYMTC’s Unified Planning Work Program, the study is assessing the current mix of land uses related to goods movement in the multi-state New York City metropolitan region, as well as the impacts of changing business models among retailers and shippers as they develop, adapt, and deploy new technologies. The study has also evaluated local, regional, and national development pressures on freight-related and industrial land uses in the multi-state metropolitan region. This region includes the planning areas of the 10 Metropolitan Planning Organizations and Councils of Government in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania which comprise the MAP Forum. Study next steps include engaging technical advisors to review trends, scenarios, and draft land use typology, finalize the scenario analysis and land use typology, and transfer geodata to the Freight Data Portal.

Click here to download the presentation:
Regional Freight Land Use Study

Click here to view the meeting:
YouTube video

NYMTC’s Regional Trends Series: Astoria-Broadway Capacity Study


On May 5, 2022, NYMTC’s ongoing Regional Trends Series featured a virtual Brown Bag Lunch presentation on the Astoria-Broadway Capacity Study. This presentation was given by Kevin Gurley, Acting Manager of Rail Network Planning and Operations Improvement with MTA New York City Transit’s Division of Operations Planning and Glenn Lunden, Deputy Chief of Rail Planning.

The study, which was funded in part by NYMTC, identified and analyzed key chokepoints throughout numerous interconnected B Division lines, recommended strategies to address these chokepoints, and built a rail simulation model of the areas studied which is now an invaluable tool used by the agency for its planning work. Key findings from the study include:

  • Phased implementation of Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC) signal systems across the subway network will reduce congestion and provide capacity improvements;
  • CBTC signaling mitigated the need for other costly capital improvements analyzed; and
  • CBTC capacity gains on the Broadway and 6th Avenue lines could provide increased service in the future on those lines, improving subway services to Midtown and Lower Manhattan.

NYMTC’s Regional Trends Series provides the public with access to leaders in the transportation field and offers information about trends and developments that are shaping the future of the transportation system.

NYMTC’s Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) Hosts a Virtual Presentation on the Suffolk County Reimagine Transit Initiative

On April 14 2022, the Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) held a regularly scheduled meeting in a hybrid format.

The meeting featured a presentation by Ankita Rathi, AICP, ENV SP, Planning Consultant at the Suffolk County Department of Economic Development and Planning. Ms. Rathi thanked NYMTC for funding and supporting the study. She reviewed the project goals which are to align transit resources and investments with community goals and priorities. The project looks to redesign the fixed route bus network and explore the feasibility of integrating on-demand transit service. The project is currently seeking feedback from community members with expected final recommendations by August 2022.

PFAC adopted the following resolutions at the meeting:

  • Resolution #536 – Updated Operating Procedures for the Congestion Management Process and for Revisions to the Transportation Improvement Program and Regional Transportation Plan
  • Resolution #537 – Amendment of the Federal Fiscal Years 2020-2024 Transportation Improvement Program to Include the Cross Harbor Freight Movement Planning Study

The following resolution was tabled:

  • Resolution #538 – Amendments to the State Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Unified Planning Work Program

The next PFAC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 16, 2022, at 11:30 AM.

Click here to download the presentation: 
Suffolk County Reimagine Transit Initiative

Click here to download the meeting synopsis:
PFAC 041422 Synopsis

NYMTC Hosts Metropolitan Mobility Network Meeting

NYMTC MovePGH Presentation _final_Page_01

The New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) and the Metropolitan Area Planning (MAP) Forum held a meeting of the Metropolitan Mobility Network on Tuesday April 12, 2022. The keynote presentation was given by Kim Lucas, Acting Director of MovePGH: Mobility as a Service in Pittsburgh, PA. Her presentation focused on the integration of micromobility and shared mobility options with public transit. She focused on Move PGH initiatives that have set up scooter share and mobility hubs at Port Authority bus and light rail stops, and creation of an integrated app for all mobility options across micromobility, shared mobility, and transit providers. Following the keynote, representatives from Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester Counties, MTA, and NJ TRANSIT each discussed mobility initiatives at their respective counties or agencies. MTA and Westchester County gave updates on their proposed or in progress bus network redesigns, as did NJ TRANSIT for their more localized network redesign in Newark. Suffolk County discussed their Reimagine Transit initiative while Nassau County discussed their Shared Mobility Management Plan, both of which have partial bus route network redesigns while also focusing on shared mobility services.

The meeting and presentations can be viewed here:

Recording: Meeting Recording (YouTube)
Presentations: MovePGH: Pittsburgh’s Mobility as a Service Program (PDF)

NYMTC Principals Adopt 2022-2023 Unified Planning Work Program

Eddie Bautista, Executive Director of the NYC Environmental Justice Alliance Presents Keynote Remarks

The Principal members of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council met on February 24, 2022, to adopt NYMTC’s State Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). This year’s UPWP proposes about $57 million of matched federal funding for transportation-related planning activities to be undertaken by NYMTC’s staff and its members for the upcoming program year. This includes more than $30 million in new funding. NYMTC’s UPWP is developed annually and defines the planning priorities in the 10-county planning area within a given program year.

The meeting was co-chaired by New York State Department of Transportation Executive Deputy Commissioner Ron Epstein and Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone. Eddie Bautista, Executive Director of the New York City Environmental Justice Alliance provided keynote remarks. The theme of the meeting was “Transportation Equity and Access under the Federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act”.

Co-chairs Epstein and Bellone in their opening remarks emphasized the hard work by NYMTC’s member agencies in keeping the region operational during the pandemic. They discussed the region’s transportation needs and the opportunities provided by the funding made available through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and the New York State Capital Plan.

Executive Director Bautista discussed the disproportionate impacts of transportation-related pollution to communities of color, such as the South Bronx. He cited the additional impacts of COVID-19 to these communities in terms of higher rates of illness and fatalities. He stressed the need for more investment in transit infrastructure to address these environmental disparities by taking advantage of the flexibility available to the NYMTC agencies in the new Federal statute.

This presentation was followed by an engaged NYMTC members’ roundtable discussion on the need to make sure that equity is considered in project decision-making, and the challenges to building consensus throughout the region on a framework of equity.

In addition to adopting the UPWP, the principal members recognized the service to NYMTC of Laura Curran, former Nassau County Executive; Henry Gutman, former New York City Transportation Commissioner; and Marisa Lago, former New York City Department of City Planning Director.

The members also recognized the service of NYMTC Co-Chair Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone and confirmed New York City Department of City Planning Director Dan Garodnick as the incoming co-chair for 2022-2023.

The next Council meeting is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, September 8, 2022, at 11:00 a.m.

Click here to download the meeting synopsis: 

Be a Part of the First New York State Cycling Census

NYC cycling

The New York State Cycling Census is underway! Supported by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) and administered by Urban Cycling Solutions (UCS), the Cycling Census will collect a statewide dataset on bicycle integration with mass transit. The purpose of this short survey is to collect insights from cyclists and transit customers from all over New York State to better understand opportunities and barriers for active first/last mile transportation. Each participant will be entered to win one of three $150 Planet Bike gift cards offered by UCS. Click here to fill out the survey.

Multi-State Freight Working Group Meets on Clean Freight Movement

Clean freight

The Metropolitan Area Planning (MAP) Forum hosted a well-attended virtual meeting of its Multi-State Freight Working Group on March 24, 2022. The meeting theme was Clean Freight Movement and featured an array of speakers from the private and public sectors. These included representatives from MAP Forum members as well as FedEx and Mack Truck. NYMTC is a member of the MAP Forum, which is a consortium of metropolitan planning organizations and councils of government in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania that have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the coordination of planning activities in the multi-state metropolitan region.

The meeting and presentations can be viewed here:

Recording: Meeting Recording (YouTube)
Presentations: Meeting Presentations (PDF)

C2SMART Survey on Automated Vehicle Perceptions

automated vehicles

C2SMART, a USDOT Tier 1 University Transportation Center is conducting a survey on the public’s perception of automated vehicles as a travel mode. The purpose of this survey is to collect automated vehicle (AV) stated preference data and revealed preference data of the daily travel patterns of NY/NJ individuals. Data collection on typical trips made by individuals (travel time, cost, distance, etc.) within NYC, in addition to travelers commuting from suburban New York and New Jersey, is expected. The survey asks respondents to fill out demographic information, trip characteristics, perceived timing of willingness to adopt AVs, and opinions on AV willingness to pay and the general impacts of AVs on society and environment.

This survey can be found here:

NYMTC and FHWA Complete Pedestrian Safety Workshops

pedestrian safety

NYMTC and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) completed an initial round of virtual pedestrian safety workshops on March 8-10, 2022. These workshops gathered state and local transportation professionals to address pedestrian safety issues through design and engineering solutions.

The over 50 participants examined the following:

  • That pedestrians belong in all geometric design, operations, and safety considerations.
  • The significance of land-use, street connectivity, and site design in helping to make a safer pedestrian environment.
  • Human behavior issues related to pedestrians and drivers interacting safely and common pedestrian crash types.
  • The role that planning and street design play in pedestrian safety.
  • Effective solutions and best practices in design and operations for pedestrian safety.
  • Real world examples for possible pedestrian safety improvements.

U.S. DOT Announces Funding for MTA Bus Depot Rehabilitation


As part of a $409 million award for 70 transportation projects in 39 states, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Federal Transit Administration announced on March 14, 2022, that the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) will receive $12,337,280 in funding to rehabilitate the Michael J. Quill Bus Depot. The project will improve the efficiency of transit operations for riders in and around Manhattan. The depot is located on West 41st St. and 11th Ave. These funds have been made available through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

New York State Climate Action Council Announces Public Hearing Schedule

Climate Action

New York State’s 22-member Climate Action Council , established under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), will hold 10 public hearings across the State to receive public input on the Draft Scoping Plan and advance work on a Final Scoping Plan to guide the implementation of the State’s nation-leading climate goals under the CLCPA. The Council released the Draft Scoping Plan on December 30, 2021, and is accepting public comments on the draft through June 10, 2022.

Click here for more information

Suffolk County Holding Virtual Community Meetings for Reimagine Transit Initiative


Suffolk County will be hosting two Virtual Community Meetings to hear reactions from the public on proposed updates to its bus network. The first of these meetings is March 30th, 2022 from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm, and the second is on March 31st, 2022 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. To learn more about this initiative and to register for these meetings, see This website also includes a survey for the public to gather additional input.

Staff Distinguished Career Awards 

Three NYMTC staff members were honored by NYS Transportation Commissioner Marie Therese Dominguez and presented with Distinguished Career Awards in recognition of their careers of excellent public service.

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During his 28 years with NYTMC, Chris Hardej has earned respect among his staff, his peers, and senior managers and has served as a role model in fostering collaboration and building consensus. Chris’ fingerprints can be found throughout the program management process and his contributions have benefitted NYMTC’s staff and the region’s transportation system.

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During his 27 years at NYMTC, Jan Khan has helped shape regional transportation planning that extends over a period from 1997 through horizon year 2050. With humble and steady leadership, Jan has steered the development of the past four Regional Transportation Plans with integrity, reliability, and earnest consensus building.

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Throughout her 42 years of service with NYSDOT and NYMTC, Chris Rodrigues-Moore has modelled goodness in the workplace. For more than four decades, Chris has brought her positive energy and can-do spirit to support the Department. Since joining the “NYMTC family” 23 years ago, Chris’ leadership and stability have been the heart of the agency.

U.S. Department of Transportation Releases 2020 Traffic Crash Data


The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration released its 2020 annual traffic crash data, showing that 38,824 lives were lost in traffic crashes nationwide. That marks the highest number of fatalities since 2007. The estimated number of police-reported crashes in 2020 decreased by 22% as compared to 2019, and the estimated number of people injured declined by 17%. While the number of crashes and traffic injuries declined overall, fatal crashes increased by 6.8%. For more information, see

U.S. Department of Transportation Reports Driving Surpassing Pre-COVID-19 Levels


The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration has published traffic volume trends through December 2021. These data show that December 2021 travel on all U.S. roads and streets changed by +11.2% as compared with December 2020. The northeast region’s driving has increased by 15.3% in that same period. Travel for December 2021 is estimated to be 268.4 billion vehicle miles. Travel for December 2019 was estimated to be 261.8 billion vehicle miles. 

Traffic Volume Trends December 2021

NYMTC’s Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) Hosts a Virtual Presentation on the Putnam County Southeast to Danbury Rail Link Feasibility Study

On February 10, 2022, the Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) held a regularly scheduled meeting in a virtual format in conformance with the New York State Open Meetings Law.

The meeting featured a presentation by Vincent Tamagna, Project Manager, Putnam County Department of Planning, Development & Public Transportation, and Drew Galloway, WSP as lead consultant on the Putnam County Southeast to Danbury Rail Link Feasibility Study. Mr. Tamagna thanked NYMTC for funding and supporting the study. He cited the strong potential for positive regional impacts to transportation, air quality, greenhouse gas emission reductions, and economic development should the rail link be implemented. The feasibility study began in March 2021 and serves as a model for interstate and interagency cooperation.

Mr. Galloway presented the study details which assessed the regional market, interest for services, and feasibility for passenger rail service connecting the Southeast station on Metro-North Railroad’s (MNR) Harlem Line to the MNR Danbury line, or further northeast. The study examined 10 different main track and station connections for linking these lines. The study’s preliminary findings show that this rail link is operationally feasibly without impeding existing MNR services. The study is expected to be completed in late winter, 2022. Public comments can be submitted to

The PFAC Chair reported on the following resolution that was adopted unanimously by mail ballot:

  • Resolution #531 – Addendum to the Distribution of Federal Transit Funding from the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act and the American Rescue Plan Act

In addition, PFAC adopted the following resolutions at the meeting:

  • Resolution #532 – Recommendation of the State Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Unified Planning Work Program for Council Adoption
  • Resolution #533 – Amendment of the Federal Fiscal Years 2020-2024 Transportation Improvement Program and FFYs 2022-2050 Regional Transportation Plan to Include Public Transit Safety Assessments of Progress
  • Resolution #534 – Amendment of the Federal Fiscal Years 2022-2050 Regional Transportation Plan to Include the Reimagining the Cross Bronx Expressway Study
  • Resolution #535 – Appending the Federal Fiscal Years (FFYs) 2020-2024 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) With the Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division’s FFYs 2022-2025 TIP

The Council meeting is scheduled for Thursday February 24, 2022, at 11 AM.

The next PFAC meeting is scheduled for Thursday April 14, 2022, at 11:30 AM.

Click here to download the presentation: 
Putnam County Southeast to Danbury Rail Link Feasibility Study

Click here to download the meeting synopsis: 

Annual Listing of Obligated Transportation Improvement Projects for FFY 2021


NYMTC has published the Annual Listing of Obligated Transportation Improvement Projects for Federal Fiscal Year 2021. During FFY 2021 (October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021), over $4.2 billion were federally obligated for 466 transportation projects from NYMTC's current FFYs 2020-2024 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). For more information and to view the searchable map of project locations., visit the TIP page.

Annual Meeting of the Metropolitan Area
Planning Forum


The 2021 Annual Meeting of the Metropolitan Area Planning (MAP) Forum, hosted by the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC), was held by webinar on December 3, 2021. The MAP Forum is a consortium of 10 metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) and councils of government from New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania that are committed to better coordination of planning activities in the multi-state metropolitan region.

The keynote speaker at the meeting was Erich Zimmerman, the Deputy Director/Transportation Director of the National Association of Regional Councils (NARC). Erich provided an overview of the newly passed Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act its transportation funding programs and the legislation’s impact on the influence of MPOs across the country.

Next, NYMTC and the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA) discussed their recently adopted regional transportation plans. Their presentations described the role of each plan in guiding the use of federal transportation funding, each plan’s guiding vision and goals, recommended projects and programs, and public outreach conducted to inform and get feedback about the plan.

After public participation, the meeting concluded with updates on the MAP Forum’s collaborative activities, including its working groups and multi-state studies. These updates included an overview of the Data Collaboration Workshops in progress at the time of the meeting, recent activities of the multi-state freight and resiliency working groups, and the status of the Clean Freight Corridors Planning Study and Regional Freight Land Use Study.

To view a recording of the presentation, CLICK HERE 

To download the presentation given by NARC, CLICK HERE

To download the presentation given by NYMTC, CLICK HERE

To download the presentation given by NJPTA, CLICK HERE

NYMTC’s Regional Trends Series: The Port of NY & NJ Managing Through COVID and Beyond

The Port of NY & NJ Managing Through COVID and Beyond

On December 1, 2021, NYMTC’s ongoing Regional Trends Series featured a virtual Brown Bag Lunch presentation by Michael P. Bozza, Assistant Director of Commercial Development for the Port Department at the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey (PANYNJ), titled The Port of NY & NJ Managing Through COVID and Beyond.

Mr. Bozza provided an overview of the Port of NY & NJ, its operations, and the initial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Port and its intermodal rail facilities. The Port is the third largest in the nation. He discussed the actions and mitigation measures taken by the PANYNJ community, along with current supply chain issues.

the Port of NY & NJ, its operations

Mr. Bozza presented cargo volumes for year 2019, 2020, and 2021. The Port of NY & NJ reported handling record-setting numbers of 7.5 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) in 2019. In 2020, during the pandemic, cargo volumes decreased from March-June with the decline of manufacturing overseas and general economic uncertainty. In July of 2020, the Port of NY & NJ experienced a snapback of increased cargo volumes that continues to this day. The cargo volume increase from July to December of 2020 resulted in the surpassing of the annual TEU volume of 2019 by 1 million TEUs. New monthly TEU records are continually being set. For example, in October 2021 the Port of NY & NJ saw a record 800,000 TEUs; the highest cargo volume ever recorded. Consumer pattern shifts to at-home spending increased supplier demand for preordered items to ensure sufficient inventory to meet customer demand.

cargo volumes

Mr. Bozza acknowledged the coordinated and dedicated work of many parties, public and private, to maintain the overall relative fluidity of the Port’s operations during these challenging times.

NYMTC’s Regional Trends Series provides the public with access to leaders in the transportation field and offers information about trends and developments that are shaping the future of the transportation system.

Click here to download the presentation:
The Port of NY & NJ Managing Through COVID and Beyond

Click here to view a recording of the meeting.

RAISE Grants Awarded in NYMTC Planning Area


The US Department of Transportation (DOT) recently announced the 2021 recipients of the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) capital and planning discretionary grants program. Three of these recipients are in the NYMTC region:

Planning Grant:

  • Reimagining the Cross Bronx Expressway – a $2 million grant to the NYC Department of Transportation Capital Grants:
  • The LINC: Safety, Mobility & Economic Opportunity – a $12 million grant to the City of New Rochelle
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility and Circulation – a $15 million grant to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority

The RAISE program enables US DOT to use a rigorous merit-based process to select projects with exceptional benefits, explore ways to deliver projects faster and save on construction costs, and make needed investments in infrastructure across the country.

This link provides more information about these awards and this program:

FHWA Launches Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Website


With President’s Biden’s signing of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law), the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has launched a Bipartisan Infrastructure Law website. The website will serve as a one-stop shop online for people interested in learning more about new and existing FHWA programs as well as how to apply for grants and other discretionary funding opportunities available under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. FHWA will be populating the website with fact sheets, funding information, and guidance. There is also a link on the website to a Request for Information for public comments on implementation of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

Visit the website here:

NYMTC’s Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) Hosts a Virtual Presentation by The Eastern Transportation Coalition

On November 18, 2021, the Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) held a regularly scheduled meeting in a virtual format in conformance with the New York Open Meetings Law.

The meeting featured a presentation by Dr. Patricia Hendren, Executive Director of The Eastern Transportation Coalition (TETC) titled, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Passed – Now What? Dr. Hendren reviewed the funding allocations in the legislation noting differences from past transportation funding bills include providing resources for water and wastewater infrastructure, updating the electric grid, and expanding broadband access. She also noted the increase in discretionary funds which will be competed for nationally. She sees an opportunity for partnerships between Metropolitan Planning Organizations, such as NYMTC, to work with TETC in developing programs to improve transportation in the region. She presented examples of initiatives that TETC is undertaking in partnership with its member state Departments of Transportation along the east coast.

In addition, PFAC adopted the following resolutions at the meeting:

  • Resolution #527 – Amendments to the Federal Fiscal Years (FFYs) 2022-2050 Regional Transportation Plan
  • Resolution #528 – Support of Statewide 2022 Safety Targets Under the Federal Transportation Performance Management Requirements and Related Amendments
  • Resolution #529 – Amendments to the State Fiscal Years (SFYs) 2020-2021 & 2021-2022 Unified Planning Work Programs (UPWPs)

The PFAC Chair reported on a resolution that had been adopted prior to this meeting by mail ballot:

  • Resolution #530 –  Distribution of Federal Transit Funding from the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act and the American Rescue Plan Act

The next PFAC meeting is scheduled for
Thursday February 10, 2022, at 11:30 AM

The Council meeting is schedule for
Thursday February 24, 2022, at 11 AM

Click here to download the presentations:
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Passed – Now What?

Click here to download the meeting synopsis.

NYMTC Principals Adopt Next Regional Transportation Plan to Enable Federal Transportation Funding for Region

Federal Transit Administrator Nuria Fernandez Addresses NYMTC

NYMTC’s principal members convened by webinar on September 9, 2021 to adopt NYMTC’s next Regional Transportation Plan. Federal Transit Administrator Nuria Fernandez provided keynote remarks. The meeting was chaired by New York State Transportation Commissioner Marie Therese Dominguez and Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone.

Administrator Fernandez discussed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), which has been passed by the Senate. This legislation could enhance the mobility, economic competitiveness, and resiliency of the greater New York metropolitan region. Key provisions of the IIJA that would benefit the region include the largest federal investment in public transportation and intercity passenger rail in our nation’s history, and the prioritization of investments that support resilience and carbon emission reductions. Administrator Fernandez stressed that NYMTC’s work is vital to realizing these potential benefits to address the needs of everyone in the region.

This presentation was followed by County Executive Bellone leading an engaged NYMTC members’ roundtable discussion on climate change and resiliency, and how the region can best work together to address these challenges. The members identified their efforts to address emergencies from extreme weather events, and the need for continued federal and local investments in projects to address climate change and its impacts on the transportation system.

NYMTC’s new Regional Transportation Plan, titled Moving Forward, Your Region Connected, will enable and guide federal funding for transportation projects throughout NYMTC’s planning area. Its adoption is an important step for the region’s continuing receipt of federal transportation funds. A copy of the final Plan is available at: In addition to adoption of the Plan, the members also adopted the 2021 Congestion Management Process Status Report.

The members also recognized the service to NYMTC of former Metropolitan Transportation Authority Chair and CEO Patrick Foye.

The next Council meeting is scheduled for Thursday February 24, 2022.

Click here to download the presentation:
Regional Transportation Plan for Federal Fiscal Years 2022-2050

Click here to download the meeting synopsis:
September 9, 2021 meeting synopsis

September 11th Memorial Program Students Present the Results of their Projects

Sept 11 flowers

As a capstone to their year-long research and planning projects under NYMTC’s September 11th Memorial Program for Regional Transportation Planning, four student scholars presented the results of their efforts at a Brown Bag Lunch event on September 15, 2021. David Anton, Carla Tejada, Seth Kerr, and Niloufar Nouri are the selected September 11th Program scholars for the 2020-2021 academic year.

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The September 11th Program is NYMTC’s living memorial to Ignatius Adanga, Charles Lesperance and See Wong Shum, the three NYMTC staff members lost during the attacks on the World Trade Center. Through the September 11th Program, NYMTC provides stipends and research/planning opportunities to graduate students on a competitive basis each academic year.

The September 11th Program began in the 2005-2006 academic year. The projects undertaken by each year’s selected students are developed by NYMTC’s members and staff to address identified regional planning and research needs.  The 2020- 2021 student scholars were assigned mentors and worked with them to undertake a planning or research project, gaining professional experience on a practical and applied project.

The 2020-2021 September 11th Program student scholars and their projects are described below:

DAVID637684896341561695 David Anton is a second-year student in the Master of Public Administration program at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA). For his September 11th Memorial Program research, David worked with NYMTC staff to study the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on NYMTC’s socioeconomic and demographic forecasts and travel demand models. The project focused on assessing how the increase in telework due to the pandemic impacted the location of job opportunities across the New York metropolitan area and commuting patterns over time.

CTEJADA Carla Tejada is a Ph.D. student in Transportation Engineering at the City College of New York (CCNY). Carla’s September 11th Memorial Program internship was with The New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) in the Pedestrian Unit. Carla’s work focused on developing a Pedestrian Network Flow Model that will allow NYCDOT to identify pedestrian generators, dense walking areas, and walking trip flows within NYC. This model will provide information to the New York City Comprehensive Pedestrian Map that will help create more rationality in the decision-making process within NYC streets.

SETH Seth Kerr is pursuing a Master of Urban Planning degree at New York University’s Wagner School of Public Service. Seth worked with NYMTC staff to research ways to improve NYMTC’s long-range infrastructure needs assessment and financial forecasting processes. Seth had the opportunity to undertake benchmarking research involving regional councils and state DOTs across the country for best practices. Seth also helped NYMTC staff develop internal procedural checklists for long-range financial forecasting.

NILO Niloufar Nouri is pursuing her Ph.D. in the civil engineering program at CCNY. Niloufar worked with NYMTC staff to research new methods of collecting travel data and identify how such methods can complement traditional travel surveys. She identified potential alternative travel data sources such as cellular data and Location Based Services (LBS). Niloufar analyzed the methodology, statistical properties, strengths, and limitations of these travel data sources.

NYMTC is proud to remember its fallen colleagues by providing opportunities to talented students interested in transportation technology, research and planning. At the conclusion of the 2020-2021 students’ presentation on September 15th, NYMTC welcomed the selected student scholars for the 2021- 2022 academic year: Julia Amaral working with NYMTC staff, and Cristina Mejia, Fabian Barch, and Liang Tao working with New York City DOT.

To view a recording of the brown bag, click here.

To view David Anton’s presentation, click here.

To view Carla Tejada’s presentation, click here

To view Seth Kerr’s presentation, click here.

To view Niloufar Nouri’s presentation, click here.

For more details on the memorial program, click here.


Suffolk County Executive Bellone Praises First-of-its-Kind “Suffolk Transit On-Demand” Service

Suffolk County_Illustration Vehicle Wrap

At the recent Council meeting, NYMTC co-chair Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone discussed a new partnership with Hampton Jitney and Via to provide a first-of-its-kind mobility service for Suffolk County that will expand access to public transit. The service, which launched on June 16th, provides a new on-demand public transit option, “Suffolk Transit On-Demand,” that complements and extends the county’s existing transit system and provides transit coverage around Southampton and Sag Harbor in an area formerly served by the Suffolk Transit 10A bus route.
For more information visit:

New York Truck Voucher Incentive Program Announces Additional $900,000


The New York Truck Voucher Incentive Program (NYTVIP) has an additional $900,000 available for non-road port cargo handling equipment incentives. Equipment operators at eligible ports in the New York Metropolitan Area may receive incentives up to $170,000 per vehicle. The transition of cargo handling equipment to battery electric powered vehicles will significantly reduce associated greenhouse gas emissions and pollution for local residents and workers. This funding is subject to requirements included in the Program Implementation Manual.

NYC DOT Seeks Input for Green Loading Zone Pilot Program

Green Loading Zones

The New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) is looking for feedback on a Green Loading Zone pilot program. The concept of Green Loading Zones is proposed to help facilitate low- and zero emission vehicle deliveries. The zones will be situated at sections of the curb exclusively for use by green vehicles for loading and unloading delivery activities.

  • Online Survey: Participate in the Green Loading Zone online survey here. The survey is designed for participation from managers in the freight logistics, trucking, and fleet management sectors as well as consumer brands. The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete. The deadline for responses is October 15, 2021.
  • Virtual Interviews: The Freight Mobility Unit will also conduct focused group interviews with survey participants to inform the Green Loading Zone pilot development and the broader carbon neutrality milestones and initiatives that are NYC goals.

MTA Announces Virtual Public Meeting Schedule for the Central Business District Tolling Program


A schedule of ten virtual public meetings has been announced for the proposed Central Business District Tolling Program. To find out more about the Program and how you can participate in, or watch, 10 virtual public meetings, click here: To find out more about how to participate in, or watch virtual meetings focused on potential effects on Environmental Justice (EJ) communities and how you can join or suggest a person for the EJ Stakeholder Working Group, click here: Written comments can be provided through the website: and by mail: CBD Tolling Program - 2 Broadway, 23rd Floor New York, NY 10004 and email: They can also be provided by phone at 646-252-7440.

NYMTC’s Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) Recommends Council Adoption of New Regional Transportation Plan

On August 19, 2021, the Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) held a regularly scheduled meeting in a hybrid format in conformance with the New York Open Meetings Law. At the meeting, PFAC adopted a resolution to recommend Council adoption of the Draft Federal Fiscal Year’s 2022-2050 Regional Transportation Plan, titled Moving Forward, and the Draft 2021 Congestion Management Process Status Report.

PFAC heard a presentation from NYMTC staff project manager for Moving Forward, Jan Khan providing an overview of the Regional Transportation Plan that covers all modes of surface transportation from a regional perspective and defines the region’s long-term transportation needs and desires. The Plan is a guide for Federal funding on investments in the NYMTC planning area based on the Council members’ vision for the region. As a Metropolitan Planning Organization, NYMTC is responsible for updating its Regional Transportation Plan every five years. NYMTC conducted a robust public outreach effort as part of the development of Moving Forward.

The meeting also featured a presentation by Adam Ruder, Assistant Director, Clean Transportation for the New York State Energy Research & Development Authority (NYSERDA) titled NYSERDA’s Clean Transportation Program. NYSERDA’s goal is to develop, demonstrate, and deploy cutting edge technologies, policies, and business models that expand the use of electric vehicles, public transportation, and mobility management. Mr. Ruder described the elements of NYSERDA’s Program which manages and invests more than $200 million in research and development, demonstrations, and incentives.

In addition, PFAC adopted the following resolutions:

  • Resolution #524 – Transportation Conformity Determination for the Federal Fiscal Years (FFYs) 2022-2050 Regional Transportation Plan and the FFYs 2020-2024 Transportation Improvement Program, as amended
  • Resolution #526 – Amendments to the State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2021-2022 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)

The Council meeting is schedule for September 9, 2021, at 11 AM.

The next PFAC meeting is scheduled for November 18, 2021, at 11:30 AM.

Click here to download the presentations:
Moving Forward: NYMTC’s Draft Regional Transportation Plan
NYSERDA’s Clean Transportation Program

Click here to download the meeting synopsis.

Moving Forward Public Review Session
Recordings Now Available

Moving Forward First Slide

The New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) held a 30-day comment period from June 28, 2021 to July 27, 2021 for its draft Regional Transportation Plan for Federal Fiscal Years 2022-50, titled Moving Forward - Your Region Connected, and the draft 2021 Congestion Management Process (CMP) Status Report.

During the comment period, virtual public review sessions were held on three dates: July 8, July 14, and July 22, 2021. On each date, there were two virtual sessions at 12:00 PM. and 7:00 PM, held as webinars to provide an overview of the draft plan and CMP report. At the sessions members of the public were encouraged to share their comments on the draft plan and CMP report in two ways: through an interactive polling platform, Poll Everywhere, and the session’s chat message board. Comments received will be addressed in the final plan document.

The draft Plan and CMP Status Report can be accessed through the following link:

To view recordings of each session, visit the NYMTC YouTube page:

NYC DCP Spotlights Employment Trends

employment patterns

The New York City Department of City Planning (NYC DCP) has published an interactive dashboard that reports employment patters prior to and since COVID-19 in the New York Metro Area. The dashboard reports monthly employment change since January 2019. See link for more information.

LET’S MOVE LI Website Promotes Active Transportation


LET’S MOVE LI launched its website in June to encourage active transportation. LET’S MOVE LI is a collaboration among municipalities, schools, businesses, and other organizations across Long Island. It promotes walking and biking, alone or connected to public transit; encourages bike and pedestrian safety education for students; and supports safe walkability and biking infrastructure. For more information click this link.

Nassau County Surveys Public and Employers about Shared Mobility Management

bike sharing

The Nassau County Department of Public Works has launched two surveys for the Nassau County Shared Mobility Management Plan (SMMP) – a public survey for residents and an employer survey for medium-to-large employers in Nassau County. Survey responses will help guide the development of the SMMP to shape future transportation investments and solutions. Both surveys are now available and are open through Friday, September 3, 2021. This study is funded through NYMTC. Click here to take the surveys.

FAA Approves La Guardia Airport AirTrain

La Guardia Airport AirTrain

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued a Record of Decision approving the construction of a $2.1 billion AirTrain to La Guardia Airport. The project will be led by the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey which has put out a Request for Proposals for designing and building the AirTrain. The project is scheduled to be completed by 2025. The FAA Record of Decision can be viewed here.

NYC Department of Transportation Seeks Public Input on Streets Plan

street scene

The New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) is developing the NYC Streets Plan, a five-year transportation plan to improve the safety, accessibility, and quality of the City’s streets for all New Yorkers. Public outreach begins with the launch of the NYC Streets online survey, which will allow the public to give feedback to NYC DOT regarding the City’s streets. Use the link for more information and to take the online survey:

Texas A&M 2021 Urban Mobility Report Available


The Texas A&M Transportation Institute with cooperation from INRIX has published the 2021 Urban Mobility Report. The report details changes in a variety of transportation trends between 2019 and 2020. It is not yet clear what the lasting effects of the COVID-19 pandemic will be on U.S. urban transportation systems. The report can be downloaded here:

NYS Traffic Safety Statistical Repository Publishes Crash and Ticket Data

car crash

The New York State Traffic Safety Statistical Repository (TSSR) has recently published crash and ticket reports. The crash data snapshot is as of 6/15/21 and the ticket data snapshot is as of April 2021. Each report includes finalized data for 2010-2019 and preliminary data for 2020 and 2021.

For more information visit

MTA Wins Award for Online Subway Map

Online Subway Map


The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) won the Gold Lion award for its “Live Subway Map for Digital Craft” at the 2021 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. MTA’s new online display has real-time train locations and allows riders to plan trips more easily. The map was the outcome of an 18-month-long public-private partnership between the MTA, the Transit Innovation Partnership, and a Brooklyn-based firm Work & Co.

More information can be found at

Electric Vehicles on the Market

Electric Vehicle


The New York League of Conservation Voters’ “Plug It In, NY” initiative has published a factsheet of the various types and brands of electric vehicles (EVs) currently on the market.

This link provides more information on “Plug It In, NY”

The EV factsheet can be found here:

NYC Department of Transportation Publishes 2021 Mobility Management Resource Guide

The New York City Department of Transportation has published the 2021 Mobility Management Resource Guide. This resource guide is a compilation of all accessible transportation information in the New York City region. The guide educates New Yorkers on existing transportation infrastructure, resources, and programs that cater to people with disabilities, older adults, people with limited English proficiency, and low-income populations.

The development of the guide was supported by one of NYMTC’s September 11th Memorial Program for Regional Transportation Planning students. The September 11th Memorial Program is a lasting memorial to the three NYMTC staff members who died in the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001: Ignatius Adanga, Charles Lesperance, and See Wong Shum. The Program provides funding to graduate students to work on transportation planning projects with NYMTC or its member agencies.

The 2021 Mobility Management Resource Guide 

NYC Department of Transportation Launches Electric Vehicle Charging Pilot Program  

The New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) has introduced a pilot program to install curbside electric vehicle (EV) charging stations for public use. The NYC DOT goal is to have 100 charging ports installed and energized by October 2021. Another 20 ports will serve the city’s fleet of EVs. The first new charging station has been installed in the Norwood section of the Bronx and was unveiled June 24, 2021.

NYC DOT has partnered with Con Edison and FLO, a charging network operator for this pilot. The chargers cost $2.50 per hour during the day and $1 per hour overnight. The program is funded by a grant from the New York State Public Service Commission.

2021 Transportation Alternatives Program Solicitation Announced


The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) has issued a Notice of Funding Availability for project proposals under the Transportation Alternatives Program, or TAP. (

TAP funding supports bicycle, pedestrian, multi-use path and transportation-related projects and programs as well as projects that reduce congestion and will help meet the requirements of the Clean Air Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Applications for this funding opportunity must be received by September 29, 2021. Application pre-review requests must be submitted via email to by August 17, 2021.

To facilitate the development of applications, NYSDOT will be hosting two webinars/workshops. Documented webinar attendance is required to be awarded funding. The informational webinars are scheduled as follows, and registration is required using the links below:

Wednesday, July 14, 2021
1 pm to 4 pm

Tuesday, July 20, 2021
9 am to Noon

For additional information on TAP, including eligible project activities, contacts, and other program requirements, please refer to the program guidance and application resource materials at

Please note that an associated solicitation for the Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) that is mentioned in the NYSDOT announcement will not be undertaken for the NYMTC planning area.

Comments and questions regarding the TAP solicitation may also be submitted via email to

NYMTC’s Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) Hosts a Virtual Statewide Public Transportation Update

2021 PFAC 061721

On June 17, 2021, the Program, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) held a regularly scheduled meeting in an on-line format as allowed under the Governor’s emergency Executive Order 202. The meeting featured a presentation by Bob Zerrillo, Policy Director for the New York Public Transit Association titled “Statewide Public Transportation Update”. The presentation provided an overview of New York State’s transit systems, and the impacts that COVID-19 has had on those systems. The presentation also included information on current and proposed State and Federal funding for transit, as well as service and technology improvements underway or being considered for the transit systems including increased use of electric vehicles and microtransit

The meeting also featured a brief update by NYMTC staff on the upcoming public comment period for the next Regional Transportation Plan, Moving Forward.

In addition to these presentations, PFAC adopted these resolutions at this meeting:

  • Resolution #522 – Support of Public Transportation Agency Safety Targets Under the Federal Transportation Performance Management Requirements
  • Resolution #523 – Amendments to the State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2021-2022 & 2020-2021 Unified Planning Work Programs (UPWPs)

The next PFAC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 19, 2021.

Click here for Meeting Video, Synopsis, Resolutions, and Presentation:
Meeting Synopsis of the Council/PFAC

NYMTC’s Regional Trends Series: Traffic Safety During COVID-19

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On June 9, 2021, NYMTC’s ongoing Regional Trends Series featured a virtual Brown Bag Lunch presentation by Chuck DeWeese, Assistant Commissioner of Governor Cuomo’s Traffic Safety Committee on Traffic Safety during COVID-19. Mr. DeWeese has held this position since September 2007. Prior to his appointment, he spent 15 years working for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.

Mr. DeWeese focused first on national trends for 2020 recently made available by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. He then presented detailed trends for New York State from January 2017 through December 2021 regarding speeding; speed-related crashes and fatalities; impaired driving; and impairment-related crashes and fatalities. In both the national and state-level trends, traffic-related fatalities increased during 2020 while vehicle miles travelled were significantly lower.

NYMTC’s Regional Trends Series provides the public with access to leaders in the transportation field and offers information about trends and developments that are shaping the future of the transportation system.

Click here to download the presentation:
Traffic Safety During COVID-19

Click here to view a recording of the meeting: NYMTC’s YouTube Page

NYMTC’s Regional Trends Series: Route 59 Area Transportation & Land Use Study

RT59 Logo

on may 26, 2021, nymtc’s ongoing regional trends series featured a virtual brown bag lunch presentation on the route 59 area transportation & land use study in rockland county, which was funded through the nymtc unified planning work program.

doug schuetz, acting commissioner of the rockland county department of planning & public transportation provided background on the steps that led to this study to address mobility issues and new demands in and around the route 59 corridor. the study began in 2018 with the goal to identify and evaluate transportation and land use development issues and future scenarios in and around route 59 in the village of spring valley, village of airmont, and town of ramapo.

ali mohseni, nymtc’s project manager for the study described the existing conditions in the study area and the study scope and schedule. the study included a robust effort to engage stakeholders and the public in the area through a series of workshops and pop-up events at area fairs and festivals. community input helped shape the study’s recommendations.

graham trelstad aicp, vice president at wsp usa and consultant team lead for the study, reviewed its transportation and land use recommendations that address short-, medium-, and long-range implementation timeframes. these recommendations address community design, bicycle and pedestrian features, roadways, and transit. the community engagement efforts provided opportunities for the public to rank the various suggestions using on-line polling software, the results of which are highlighted in the presentation.

nymtc’s regional trends series provides the public with access to leaders in the transportation field and offers information about trends and developments that are shaping the future of the transportation system.

click here to download the presentation:
route 59 area transportation & land use study

click here to view a recording of the meeting.


NYMTC’s Regional Trends Series: Westchester, Suffolk, and Nassau Suburban Mobility Studies

NYMTC Regional Trends banner

On April 28, 2021, NYMTC’s ongoing Regional Trends Series featured a well-attended virtual Brown Bag Lunch panel presentation on suburban mobility studies in Westchester, Suffolk, and Nassau counties, many of which have been funded through the NYMTC Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP).

Naomi Klein, Director of Transportation Planning for the Westchester County Department of Planning, presented on the County’s current redesign of their Bee-Line System to address declining ridership. The study is taking a clean slate approach to reexamine routes and redeploy resources more efficiently. She also highlighted other County initiatives including a Transportation Demand Management Plan for the Valhalla Campus at Grasslands; improvements to the White Plains TransCenter; and a study of the impacts of COVID-19 on Bee-Line ridership. The County is engaging the public and other stakeholders throughout these efforts.

Ankita Rathi, AICP, ENV SP, Planning Consultant with the Suffolk County Department of Economic Development and Planning, focused on the Suffolk County Mobility Study implementation plan to align transit resources and investments with community goals and priorities. The implementation plan looks to redesign the fixed route bus network and explore the feasibility of integrating on-demand transit service. Public engagement is currently underway. She also briefly presented on an upcoming pilot program in Southampton to demonstrate microtransit options such as demand responsive, curb-to-curb service, and mobile app and call-based transit services.

Sean Sallie, AICP, Deputy Commissioner of the Nassau County Department of Public Works, presented on a number of County initiatives. These include a series of ongoing mobility/complete streets capital projects; the status of the Motor Parkway/Nassau Hub Trail; a study of the impacts of COVID-19 on transportation and land use in the County, including a resurgence of non-motorized trips throughout the County; and a Shared-Mobility Management Plan. He also focused on the Nassau Hub Transit Improvements project being implemented in phases. Lastly, he covered a battery-electric bus pilot program.

NYMTC’s Regional Trends Series provides the public with access to leaders in the transportation field and offers information about trends and developments that are shaping the future of the transportation system.

Click here to download the presentations:
Westchester County UPWP Funded Studies
Reimagining Transit in Suffolk: Mobility Implementation Plan & Microtransit Pilot
Nassau County Suburban Mobility Studies

CLICK HERE to view a recording of the meeting.

NYSERDA Announces New York Clean Transportation Competitions


The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has announced three challenges designed to electrify transportation, reduce air pollution, and enhance clean mobility in disadvantaged communities in New York State. The competitions will each run in two phases. In the first phase, participants must register by July 22, 2021, to be eligible to submit proposals. 

The three prize competitions are:

  • Clean Neighborhoods Challenge – up to three $10 million grand prizes will be awarded to innovative projects that address local air pollution reduction at scale in disadvantaged communities. The submission deadline is August 24, 2021.
  • Electric Mobility Challenge – up to three $7 million grand prizes will be awarded to projects that demonstrate innovative safe and convenient electric mobility options that help solve disadvantaged community transportation needs. The submission deadline is August 25, 2021.
  • Electric Truck & Bus Challenge – up to three $8 million grand prizes will be awarded to projects that demonstrate electrified solutions to the deployment of medium- and heavy-duty electric vehicles or their replacement through other electrified transportation modes. The submission deadline is August 26, 2021.

For additional information about the program, CLICK HERE.

U.S. Department of Energy Announces $162 Million to Decarbonize Cars and Trucks

electric truck

The U.S. Department of Energy has unveiled two funding opportunities totaling more than $162 million to improve efficiency and reduce carbon emissions among cars, trucks, and off-road vehicles. The funding will support the next stage of the SuperTruck initiatives – aimed at electrifying freight trucking – along with efforts to expand electric vehicle infrastructure and lower emissions for on- and off-road vehicles.

CLICK HERE for additional information.

US DOT Announces 5th Round of Alternative Fuel Corridor Designations


The US Department of Transportation announced the 5th round of “Alternative Fuel Corridors” designations. This program, created by the FAST Act in 2015, recognizes highway segments that have infrastructure plans to allow travel on alternative fuels, including electricity. The first four rounds of designations included portions of 119 Interstates and 100 US highways and state roads. Round 5 includes nominations from 25 states for 51 interstates and 50 US highways and state roads.

Below is a list of corridors in the NYMTC planning area that have been designated as “ready” in the recent announcement.

  • I-278: Between the NY/NJ border and the I-278/I-95 interchange in Throggs Neck
  • SR-27: Between the NY-27/I-278 interchange in Brooklyn and Montauk

CLICK HERE for additional Information..