Regional Waste Movement Study

Truck moving Waste

The New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) is leading a comprehensive study to evaluate the challenges and opportunities associated with the movement of municipal solid waste (MSW) and construction and demolition (C&D) debris across the region covered by the ten metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) and Councils of Government (COGs) across the multi-state New York City metropolitan region that comprise the Metropolitan Area Planning Forum (MAP Forum). NYMTC is undertaking the study on behalf of the MAP Forum and with the participation of the other MAP Forum member organizations. The study was recommended by Moving Forward, a Regional Transportation Plan adopted by NYMTC in 2021. It is undertaken by a team of consultants assembled by the Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT) at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.

This study has three primary objectives:

  • Identify the current and future dynamics of waste generation, movement, and disposal throughout the region.
  • Forecast the future waste-related transportation needs of the region.
  • Ascertain opportunities that help planners and policy makers prepare effective approaches that meet the region’s future waste transportation needs.

The study will accomplish these objectives through a three-part approach:

  • Data Collection: The research team will gather comprehensive data on current waste movement systems, disposal sites, transfer stations, and infrastructure capacities throughout the MAP Forum region. The research team will also create an inventory of existing waste-related plans and programs, and studies in the region in addition to evaluating waste-related policies and legislation.
  • Engagement: The research team will engage private and public sector participants through a series of interviews, surveys, and public events, ensuring a broad spectrum of insights and perspectives.
  • Forecasting: The research team will forecast the region’s future waste-related transportation needs, leveraging data collected and NYMTC’s socio-economic and demographic projections. The forecasts will estimate future MSW and C&D generation as well as how this waste will move throughout the region.

Data Collection:  July 2023 – April 2024
Engagement:  November 2023 – March 2024
Forecasting:  March 2024 – August 2024
The study will be completed by the end of 2024.

What Can You Do?

Do you know of plans, policies, or programs related to waste in the region?

Do you know where we might find waste-related data?

Do you have data to share?

Please fill out this 1-minute form to share or upload your data.

Having issues with the form? Upload your data here.

Do you have other questions, concerns, or other information to share? Email the project team at

The multi-state New York City metropolitan region is one of the most densely populated and economically productive areas in the United States. Within this dynamic area, it is imperative to gain an accurate understanding of waste generation movement and disposal in the region. The success of this study and future planning efforts relies heavily on the completeness and accuracy of waste-related data and a comprehensive understanding of the market and economic trends and drivers of waste-related issues.

Any and all information is appreciated.

Past Events

NYMTC Hosts 2nd Public Workshop for Study of Regional Waste Movement  NEW YORK, Jan. 8, 2024 – The New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) held its second public workshop to gather input for its Regional Waste Movement Study - a multi-state, NYMTC-funded examination of the needs and opportunities associated with the movement of municipal solid waste and construction and demolition debris. The Dec. 13th workshop was held virtually and was open to the interested public across the multi-state New York City metropolitan region.

Press Release

View YouTube Video
Regional Waste Movement Study Public Workshop