Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSM&O)

TSM&O is designed to optimize the performance of existing and future programmed transportation infrastruc­ture. TSM&O activities focus on a set of strategies such as Transportation Systems Management (TSM), of which Intelligent Trans­portation Systems (ITS) is a major part, and Transportation Demand Management (TDM). ​​As TSM strategies focus on improving efficiency and TDM strategies focus on modifying behavior, it is often beneficial to use both strategies simultaneously.

Regional Objectives of TSM&O
  • Optimize the capacity of the transportation system ,and reduce traffic congestion while improving safety on existing roads and transit networks;
  • Manage and reduce peak-hour travel demand by single-occupant motor vehicles and
  • Improve and promote alternatives to driving alone in a motor vehicle; particularly during peak travel periods.​

Solutions for optimizing roadway and reducing traffic congestion.

TSM strategies range from technology and information that help travelers make timely and wise transportation decisions to low level capital and operational improvement projects that optimize the ca­pacity of existing infrastructure.The strategies are intended to increase the safety, efficiency and capacity of existing transportation networks by means of physical, operational and regulatory improvements.

NYMTC’s Plan 2040, groups TSM strategies into seven categories:

Each of these categories is discussed in Appendix 4 of the Plan, with examples of TSM strate­gies and methods currently underway or planned in the NYMTC region.


Intelligent Transportation Systems is increasingly integrated into transportation systems management and operations to collect, store, process and distribute information related to the movement of people and goods. Examples include systems for traffic management, public transportation management, emergency management, traveler information, advanced vehicle control and safety, commercial vehicle operations, electronic payment and railroad grade crossing safety. as ITS technologies expand, so too does the potential to improve efficiency.

Transpor­tation Management Centers (TMCs) use ITS to create a complete system integration by com­piling data to distribute in an integrated format. Through electronic communi­cation with field devices, TMCs can re­motely monitor, control and disseminate information related to transportation conditions.

The ITS Integration Strategy, developed by NYMTC in 2009 represents a shared vision of how each of the NYMTC planning area’s ITS Architecture should work to share information and resources. The strategy has three major goals:

  • Identify opportunities where ITS investments can work together toward regional interoperability and provide the desired regional ITS services;
  • Enhance interagency cooperation in the management and development of ITS; and
  • Identify and target ITS projects and initiatives early in the planning process which will facilitate integration.

Key links:

  • New York City TTMC: includes four major stakeholders and owners, NYCDOT, NYSDOT, MTA and (PANYNJ).
  • Long Island INFORM: users include the NYSDOT, MTA, and the police, fire, and public works departments, along with more than 20 other agencies.
  • Hudson Valley TMC:
  • TRANSCOM: a coalition of the 16 major traffic, transit and public safety agencies in the New York/New Jersey/Connecticut metropolitan region that ensures a coordinated, multi-agency response to major incidents and coordinates construction.
  • New York Sub-regional ITS Architecture: Developed for New York City through the cooperative effort of New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT), Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), Port Authority of New York & New Jersey (PA NY&NJ), and other relevant stakeholders, to conform with FHWA Rule940/FTA Policy on Regional ITS Architectures (Sec 9)


Active Traffic & Transit Demand Management (ATDM) promotes the active, real time management, control and influence of travel demand, traffic demand and travel flow.

Through the use of coordinated ITS technologies that monitor for and respond to congestion and delays, traffic flow is managed and traveler behavior is influenced in real-time to achieve operational objectives such as preventing or delaying breakdown conditions, improving safety, promoting sustainable travel modes, reducing emissions, or maximizing system efficiency.

ATDM provides the capability to monitor, control, and influence travel, traffic and facility demand of the entire transportation system and over a traveler's entire trip chain.

With new emerging technologies, older systems are being phased out and replaced with advanced systems that have become the basis of Active Traffic and Transit Management strategies and the leading technology in the integration of traffic and transit systems.

An example of this approach is Integrated Corridor Management (ICM). ICM development analyzes transportation information from a multi-model perspective, allowing where feasible technologies for traffic, transit, and other modes to work together in easing overall congestion.

Two elements must be in place before any Active Traffic and Transit Management system can be effective:
1) comprehensive and integrated electronic monitoring and control of major roadways via TMCs; and
2) traveler information systems.


TDM is a set of strategies that focuses on modifying travel behavior.

By encouraging travel on multimodal and high occupancy modes, as well as managing and reducing peak-hour con­gestion, TDM seeks to reduce the total number of automobile trips by directing attention to moving a higher volume of people and goods rather than vehicles.

TDM strategies are categorized into six groups:

  • Parking Management;
  • Bicycle and Pedestrian Enhancements;
  • Transit Enhancements and Marketing;
  • Vehicle Sharing;
  • Paratransit Services; and
  • Employer-Based Programs.

By implementing multiple strategies from the six categories, the NYMTC planning area could see an increase in commuter volume while at the same time experiencing a reduction in traffic congestion and air pollution.

Each of these strategies is discussed in Appendix 4 of the Plan, with examples of TDM strate­gies and methods currently underway or planned in the NYMTC region.

511NY is

New York State's official traffic and travel information source provides real time information and other resources for traveler

511NY provides information online by phone at 511 and via text and maps regarding current traffic and transit con­ditions, transit route trip planning and ride share services. 511NY also provides via additional links travel information related to specific modes of transportation, such as automobile, public trans­portation, bicycling and air travel.

In addition, many agencies provide road closure, service interruption, and con­struction information through their websites and through social media out­lets like Facebook and Twitter.

511NY Rideshare is the most comprehensive source for rideshare services in the NYMTC region. Many TDM strategies are implemented through the efforts of this regional, multi-agency partnership that offers a suite of programs, services and information for commuters, travelers and employers.