Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

The federally-mandated Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) defines all of the federally-funded transportation projects proposed for planning, design and implementation in the NYMTC planning area over a five-year period.

The TIP establishes federal funding eligibility for transportation improvement projects that will strengthen and enhance the transportation system. The TIP includes transit, roadway and bridge, bicycle and pedestrian projects, and other transportation enhancements. The TIP is derived from and consistent with Moving Forward, NYMTC’s long-range Regional Transportation Plan.

Adopted TIP

The TIP is built collaboratively by NYMTC’s member agencies and maintained through actions taken by them as per the NYMTC TIP Revision Procedures. The current TIP, covering FFYs 2023-2027, was programmed based on funding identified in the Infrastructure and Investment Jobs Act. The TIP was adopted by the Council on October 13, 2022, and approved by USDOT.

For more information contact Michael Chiume