Funding Solicitations

USDOT Reconnecting Communities NOFO


The United Stated States Department of Transportation (USDOT) is requesting applications for the Reconnecting Communities Pilot (RCP) discretionary grant program through the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). The RCP Program aims to advance and support reconnection of communities divided by transportation infrastructure – with a priority on helping disadvantaged communities improve access to daily needs. For more information, click here:

USDOT Grant Application Webinar Series


The USDOT is hosting a two-part webinar series to help communities use data to effectively tell their story in planning, development, and applying for USDOT grants.

Part 1 of the webinar series (July 22) will focus on how to identify and describe a project and its goals, identify users of the infrastructure or system, and determine the project’s impact area. Participants will receive step-by-step information and presenters will use examples to illustrate each of the concepts in the planning, project development, and/or grant application process. The webinar will conclude with a brief Q&A session. The webinar will be recorded and posted on the USDOT Navigator.

Part 2 of the webinar series (August 15) will introduce participants to USDOT’s Equitable Transportation Community (ETC) Explorer tool and provide detailed information on how to use the tool to map a project area, identify how a community is experiencing disadvantage, and evaluate project benefits to a community. This information will build on the content presented during Part 1 of the webinar series.

Participants are encouraged to register for both or review the Part 1 materials before attending Part 2.  Register for the webinar series here.

Active Transportation Infrastructure
Investment Program


The FHWA announced the opening of applications for the Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program (ATIIP). The ATIIP aims to enhance safety and connectivity for bicyclists and pedestrians across communities nationwide. With an allocation of up to $44.5 million, this program seeks to support projects that create comprehensive networks of bicycle and pedestrian pathways. The program offers two types of grants: Planning and Design grants, and Construction grants. Applications are due by June 17th.  Check for eligibility and more information here: ATIIP.

USDOT Opens a NOFO for its Safe Streets for All Program (SS4A)


The USDOT has opened a call for applications for the $1.256 billion Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) program. SS4A was created in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to help communities both plan and carry out projects that help reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries on our highways, streets, and roads. SS4A funds will help communities in the development of road safety action plans and improve unsafe roadway corridors by implementing effective interventions. Additionally, these funds can be utilized to test out safety features such as separated bicycle lanes or curb extensions at intersections. View the SS4A Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). Applications for Implementation Grants are due by May 16. Planning and Demonstration Grants have three application deadlines: April 4, May 16, and August 29.

As indicated in the NOFO, SS4A requires an eligible Action Plan to be in place before applying to implement projects and strategies. The New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) has a regional Safety Action Plan in place – an addendum to the Regional Transportation Plan which guides federal transportation funding - which local municipalities within NYMTC’s planning area can use for this purpose. View the Safety Action Plan.

Any questions should be directed to Sherry Southe, NYMTC’s Safety Coordinator, at

Bridge Investment Program


The Federal Highway Administration’s Bridge Investment Program is a competitive, discretionary program that focuses on reducing the number of bridges in poor condition, or in fair condition that are at risk of falling into poor condition. To apply for a grant under the Bridge Investment Program,  please visit

RAISE Discretionary Grant Program


The U.S. Department of Transportation has published a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for $1.5 billion in grant funding through the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) discretionary grant program. This is a highly competitive program that can help communities carry out projects with significant local or regional impact. Eligible project sponsors include state and local entities, municipalities, Tribal governments, counties, and more.

Deadline: February 28, 2024.
For more information, visit and review the NOFO.

2023 Bridge New York Program

R1_Church St Bridge

New York State is making funding available for local governments to rehabilitate and replace bridges and culverts statewide. These strategic infrastructure investments will enhance the quality of life for residents and businesses in every region of the State and provide unprecedented support for making our state’s communities more resilient to the impacts of climate change. Making the state’s infrastructure more resilient not only enhances the safety and reliability of these structures, it facilitates regional and global economic competitiveness. For more information, please go to: