Freight Transportation Working Group (FTWG)

Freight Transportation Working Group (FTWG)

FTWG is composed of the Council’s members, freight providers and receivers and their associations, interested transportation agencies, business associations, neighboring MPOs in the tri-state region, organizations such as civic and advocacy groups, and representatives of elected officials, who together provide input into NYMTC’s Regional Freight Plan and the on-going regional freight planning process. Contact Leslie Fordjour at 212.383.7271 for more information.

  • Inform the general public and local decision makers about the importance of freight transportation to the region;
  • Establish and oversee a coordinated, cooperative and continuing freight planning process;
  • Coordinate data collection related to freight

Presentations from Recent Meetings

July 14, 2016:
NYMTC Regional Freight Plan Update
Federal Requirements for Freight NPRM 
RPA: Why Goods Movement Matters

September 29, 2016:
NYMTC-Regional Freight Plan
NYCEM-Regional Resiliency Assessment Program (RRAP) Update
NYCEDC/PANYNJ-Metropolitan Rail Freight Council

December 6, 2016:
NYMTC’s Regional Freight Plan Presentation
NYCDOT Smart Truck Management Plan
StrongPorts–USDOT Dep’t of Transportation/U.S. Maritime Administration