NYMTC Performance Targets

Establishment of Targets by the MPO

23 CFR 490.105 (f)(3)

Target establishment options. For each performance measure identified in paragraph (c) of this section, except the CMAQ Traffic Congestion measures in paragraph (f)(5) of this section, and MPOs meeting the criteria under paragraph (f)(6)(iii) of this section for Total Emissions Reduction measure, the MPOs shall establish targets by either:

  • (i) Agreeing to plan and program projects so that they contribute toward the accomplishment of the relevant State DOT target for that performance measure; or
  • (ii) Committing to a quantifiable target for that performance measure for their metropolitan planning area.

NYMTC chose option (i) for all targets shown below.

Safety Targets


Bridge Condition on the National Highway System (NHS)
bridge cond636961434255553167

Pavement Condition on the NHS (Interstate & Non-Interstate Facilities)
pavement cond

Travel Time Reliability (Interstate & Non-Interstate Facilities)

Freight Movement on Interstate Roadways (That are part of the NHS)

Total On-Road Mobile Source Emissions Reduction

VOC= Volatile organic compounds
CO = Carbon monoxide
NOx = Nitrogen oxides
PM10 & PM2.5 = Particulate matter

Urbanized Area-Level Targets (New York-Newark, NY-NJ-CT Urbanized Area): CMAQ Congestion Performance Measure

Annual Peak-Hour Excessive Delay per Capita (PHED)

CMAQ Congestion Performance Measure: Non-SOV Travel